
ZikV Close to Home – Virus Enters Dominican Republic

Reports from the Dominican Republic are that the mosquito-borne disease known as Zika Virus (ZikV) has entered that country.

According to reports a 12-year-old girl from Puerto Plata contracted the virus and is now hospitalised to in a private clinic in that city.

The Zika virus, first discovered in 1947 causes a disease known as Zika fever in humans.

Some of the symptoms of Zika virus infection include, a low grade fever, rash, arthralgia, notably of small joints of hands and feet, with possible swollen joints, myalgia (pain in a muscle or group of muscles), and headache.

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Symptoms usually appear following the incubation period of  three to 12 days. The symptoms typically last for four to seven days.

Like Chik-V, there is no specific vaccine or treatment for the Zika virus.

Almost 90 percent of Jamaican families were impacted by the Chikungunya virus that spread throughout Jamaica last year according to a Radio Jamaica-commissioned Don Anderson Poll.

How scared are you of ZikV. Let us know in the comments.

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