Time to Break Relations with the Dominican Republic
If ever a country in the geographical space called the Caribbean ever proudly demonstrated its racism, if ever a country ever openly expressed anger towards its neighbour that country is the Dominican Republic.
Scholars of History and Cultural Studies know the Dominican Republic has a huge racial blemish not dissimilar to the latent Cuban Racism against its Afro population.
It is now time for Jamaica and other Caribbean countries take active steps to deal with the Dominican Republic.
A racist country and a country in our geographical sphere which always believes it’s white, acts white and possess a racist attitude towards not only its Haitian neighbours but its Haitian community entrenched inside its territory.
To make matters even worse, the Dominican Republic continues to deport citizens born in their country only because they are of Haitian descent. Its recent rambling for mass deportation is alarming to every country that is a member of the International community.
It is good however, according to the government that the PNP administration and government will not support the Dominican Republic’s attempt to gain membership in Caricom.

That is good from our government as the Dominican Republic has too long practiced apartheid and hooliganism.
For those of us who do not know Caribbean history or those of us who pretend that there is not a history of events or even a historiography of Dominican Republic abuses, let me remind you that less than a hundred years ago , in fact in 1937 up to 20,000 Haitians were murdered by Dominican Republic soldiers and militiamen flooding the Massacre river with bodies and literally turning the river red with the blood of Haitians.
The Dominican Republic has the notorious record of maltreatment towards its neighbor with historical accounts dating back to the 19th century. In recent years there have been many beatings and killings of Haitians who provide the lowest class of labour to the Dominican Republic.
Defying international law the Dominican Republic is bullying a weak and marginalized set of West Indians. The Dominican Republic showers the most receptive welcomes for its Lebanese, Syrian, Jewish, German , Italian and Spanish minorities, yet it treats its Haitian minorities like they are sub-humans.
I said it is now time to break off international or bilateral relations with this country. It is an injustice to have a Caribbean neighbor with its “Spanish apartheid”
Why should we deal with a country which thinks itself white, whose philosophy and psyche is white so much that Haiti which is black is a perpetual enemy. Jamaica does not need to deal with people who think themselves superior knowing deep in themselves that the blood of Africa runs in their veins just like the other Caribbean countries.
It is my opinion that we break all ties with this apartheid country that seeks to continue create mayhem, murder, fear and oppression for our black brothers and sisters of Haitian descent.
Maurice Christie
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What was the country that arrived FIRST to Haiti after the earthquake???? Dominican Rep. has made for Haiti MORE THAN THE USA. Even one university was donated to them at that occasion and the automatic kitchens acquired by that time by president Fernandez, were preparing 25,000 food rations everyday. The other countries critisize in a special manner the D.R., but they do not do ANYTHING for Haitian people. They are treated very bad for Bahamas, and nobody say anything. See and recognize the positive things too. WHAT IS DOING JAMAICA FOR HAITIAN PEOPLE BY THE WAY????
They are brainwashed assholes….simple…I live in Florida and do business with pple from different cultures and contries and I know for a fact that pple from other spanish speaking countries like Puerto Rico, Comlumbia, Venezuela etc. Dont accept pple from DR as Latin rather they consider them black so I don’t know wo dem a try fool….mek do go weh from deh
I agree. Break ties. All nations. Let the NEGROES of DR fend for themselves.
Boycott all Dominican product don’t travel in the Dominican Republic
We have an outbreak of Stupidity occurring in our region. So what do they do to their own Negroes?
Three side to a story.
LOL…….Haiti is an ANCHOR weighing down DR. Please, 2 Millions Hatians go to France, 1 Million to Canada, 1 Million to Greater Europe. O wait, NOBODY WANTS HATIANS. DR is stuck with this CURSE of the VOODOO HAITIANS. All the countries that took in Haitians after Earthquake, deported them back within 1 Year. But the DR cannot deport? ROLFOL. Haiti is a wasteland trash because Haitis government is corrupt trash! Stop blaming others in victimhood. The DR helped Haiti after Earthquake and it typical Hatian manner did not appreciate it and wants to abuse it asking for more and more… Read more »
After the earthquake they were here first, all their army on haitian territory they heard that the national palace was collapsed and they thought that was the day to make their dreams come true “put Haiti on their domination “. But three hours later the UN soldiers put them out and they were furious. Instead of helping us they were just making money because all our help passed through Dr they were making huge money every day, they sold their products to a people in need. They were renting thousands of vehicles to the NGO coming to help. Please I… Read more »
Carlos Batista yes you’re right about the Haitian government being corrupt and have played a major role in Haiti not advancing. But, for you to think it’s right to send someone to a country they know nothing about after living their whole lives in the country they were born in is just disgusting!!! What did these people do to deserve to have their whole livelihood and future taken away from them? Students who dream of making something of themselves that have worked hard to be successful in life are now being told they can’t futher their education all because they… Read more »
DR firms got contracts worth at least $1B in collusion with the Haitian government all on the back of poor haitians. These projects are not completed. Their shells are still standing. Peel the layers, the ugliness will be exposed, Both DR and Haitian government should be put on trial including some of the NGOs purporting to come to help Haiti
Dominicans are a bunch of assholes who think that they are white. All dominicans always claim to be something else, their facial structure exposed the african gene in them. These people are not proud of their african heritage.