Does the PNP Have a Spell Over Jamaica?
I need to ask a question, or maybe a couple questions.
Jamaica gained independence in 1962 and since then there have been two major political parties that have governed the country, namely the Jamaica Labour Party and the People’s National Party.
My first question is this: What is it about the PNP that has allowed it to be the dominant ruling party in Jamaica?
It has held the majority of seats in the Jamaican Parliament between 1972 to 1980, from 1989 to September 2007, and after the elections in 2011 held 42 out of the 63 seats in parliament.
I am desperately trying to understand. It has been stated so many times that the PNP is the party that has wrecked Jamaica.
First under Michael Manley, then under PJ Patterson, and now under Portia Simpson Miller.
Why do the Jamaican people keep voting the PNP into power?
Is it that the PNP has somehow manged to be able to reach the masses in ways that the JLP cannot?
I have often heard it said that the JLP is a party filled with the upper crusts, and the ELITE of the society.
So is it that the greater mass of people who are poor, and disenfranchised do not feel that the JLP represents them?
I have also heard it said that the JLP is the party of ‘light skin people’, while the PNP is the party for the ‘darker skin people’.
So is there classism and racism in our politics to the point where JAMAICANS honestly do not think that the JLP supports them?
HOPEFULLY someone will be able to ENLIGHTEN me on this issue.
Why do you believe Jamaicans continue to vote the PNP into power? Share your thoughts in the comments:

Boy you say it right in your article, I at times wonder why, but from my knowledge all of what you mention as to why the JLP is not gaining are so correct, when they are in power they take care of the clear skin people, they also choose clear skin people in most of their constituency, Parliamentarians and MP thinks they are God, they look down on the common man, Andrew Holness as the party leader as I speak is another problem, the JLP will remain in the wilderness for a very long time to come.
We need to get past this colourism issue. I see all different hues, race, caste, class etc. in both parties. We need to start thinking about the kind of country we want to live in and find the people to help us achieve that. Running water and access to a better quality of life does not belong to some people. It should be attainable by all of us. Maybe if we would put GOD first and party last, because there are other important things that come before party, things would turn around! Funny thing that happened, I was in bread… Read more »
All the development in Jamaica that has allow poor black Jamaican to progress was done by the PNP. PNP took a poor girl from Wood Hall and make her a PM! PNP is the people’s party and for this we are grateful. Thank you PNP for the JUTC bus, the half way tree transport center, the 4 free cxcs subject, paying 80% of all tuition for all Jamaican and the NHT which have traditionally provided a home for poor Jamaicans. Thank you for the laws that have given us a sense of worth, minimum wage, equal pay for women, nuh… Read more »
Jlp not for sale is ?
you can only fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time …PNP…People Power
It’s been PNP country and even if they send a black dog we blindly vote for them
The PNP was born from the intelligencia, the JLP from the lower class (quashi party). Those who shaped the mind of the nation (mainly UWI and the media) are sympathizers of the PNP. Influential groups JAS, JTA and many trade unions are supporters of the PNP.
Its obvious that Jamaican people like suffering> i remember a mechanic from Central Manchester leading that he rather suffer under a PNP government than proper under a JLP government. that comment was made leading up to the 2007 general election. and a year ago, i ask one of my former co-worker if him better off today than when theJLP was in power, and him say yes he is, i ask him how so, when taxi fare gone up, food gone up, the dollar devalue, and your pay remained the same, and he could not answer. and that tells a story… Read more »
The pnp has turned off a lot of the people by saying there is no difference between the two parties knowing that their die hearted supporters will vote for them no matter what and by keeping them poor they will always control them.
The pnp has turned off a lot of the people by saying there is no difference between the two parties knowing that their die hearted supporters will vote for them no matter what and by keeping them poor they will always control them.
a lot of jamaican only support party and not better for the country the pnp know how to create garrison by issuing title for plots of land to poor people who cant even pay for it and sometimes dont want it .
It’s nothing but for the love of the manleys the people just prefer to die trying
Its called power dominance. PNP just has that over any other party. The sad thing is that they havent change or they take too long to make the nation change to the expectations of some. Idk if its patience or what, but they need to get themselves back together or they’ll lose big.
Its called power dominance. PNP just has that over any other party. The sad thing is that they havent change or they take too long to make the nation change to the expectations of some. Idk if its patience or what, but they need to get themselves back together or they’ll lose big.
Its simple the jlp is not a grass root party they dont go for the masses they go for the wealthy the mps they talk down to people they are arrogant uncompasionate and blinded by money it is said your as good as ur last performance just check theirs 2007_2011 u will undestand when u do