Bolt Should “Clean Up Jamaica” Before Speaking About Others Says Carl Lewis
Former American Sprinter Carl Lewis on Thursday stated Usain Bolt should focus on cleaning up Jamaica before speaking about others.
This after Bolt claimed the American sprinter Tyson Gay received a “slap on the wrist” and should have been kicked out of athletics instead of receiving a reduced ban after he failed drug tests.
In 2013 Gay failed three drug tests but received a backdated one-year suspension last year. Gay’s penalty was reduced because he cooperated with the US ANti-Doping Agency in an investigation that led to his former coach Jon Drummond receiving an 8-year ban.
While speaking with reporters recently, Lewis stated:
“He (Bolt) has raised a legitimate issue and I understand that but rules are rules. But see a Jamaican is talking about it. Lots of doping issues have come out in Jamaican athletics in the last 4-5 years. He should first think of cleaning up his own house”.
“Doping is not good for sports. I have said that and I have taken a stand on that in 1987 and in 2008”.
“How many people have taken stand on doping?” he asked.
“If you don’t take stands on the issue, please shut up,” said Lewis seemingly questioning whether Bolt had taken a stand on doping issues in Jamaica.
What are your thoughts on the comments made by Carl Lewis?

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Carl Lewis’s opinion has no substance giving he’s guilty of doping whilst the Big man is well and truly clean
Is this goon(Carl Lewis ) out of his drugged up mind.crack head what are you talking about, dummy. Jamaica had never had a.drug problem with their athletes. We eat good dam food that is real organic. Go to hell fool.
As the saying goes : throw your stone in the pen, the one it hits is the one who is gonna squeal out. Now Mr. Lewis you are the one squealing. I’ve read the article and I didn’t notice Mr. Bolt mentioning your name. Everyone knows Jamaica is known for drugs but who are you to throw stones. The USA is no better than Jamaica. You Sir is the one who need to clean your house. Remember Mr. Bolt was specific in his statement. Not talking to you he wasn’t (SO) when you are gonna comment be specific but I… Read more »
Carl Lewis he is just jealous he talk all he wants he can’t stop Bolt
I tend to agree with Carl Lewis why bash someone because u lost a relay all need to grow up not only bolt deserve to win all those that enter are Winners weather they win or loose just being there is winning
Why Carl Lewis talking about doping..? When he was dirty him self..jealousy killing him, GO BOLT!!
Wow freedom of speech still around and I don’t live in Ja so I fear not
KMT Carl Lewis needs to just follow the advice in his lst statement and just ” please shut up “.
Crow lewis go suck u madda badmind boy
Crow lewis go suck u madda badmind boy
I agree with you lewis but some how by your response prove bolt point and also speak about what you are about. Dwl
I agree with you lewis but some how by your response prove bolt point and also speak about what you are about. Dwl
Carl Lewis don’t talk man because real Jamaicans knows u is the biggest doping battyman in the U.S. guh weh gay boy bolt a di reAl big man of all time
Jamaica time now, we were hungry for far too long.. Bolt dont worry your head people are gonna talk about you, all after you die.. Let them talk.. It give you strenght to continue being a true legend.. Jamaica Love you win lose or draw.. Carl Lewis jealous because his time expired
Jamaica time now, we were hungry for far too long.. Bolt dont worry your head people are gonna talk about you, all after you die.. Let them talk.. It give you strenght to continue being a true legend.. Jamaica Love you win lose or draw.. Carl Lewis jealous because his time expired
I understand when one old stars stop shining and new stars are born. Jamaica wi seh!!
Carl Lewis I understand you are a drugs man so pick up for you drugs friend ,Sanya do you knew when bolt make this comment ??? Shut up dummy get your facts str88888888888,bolt is the greatest off all time even if him stop running now ,bad mind get the best a them me see inna the ——–them .
“But see a Jamaican is talking about it…” That’s what hurts him – little bit ah Jamaica deh talk bout it not a big country such as his.
Bad mind bwoy Carl Lewis..nuh say nuttin , hear what u messed too, cause u guilty a doping, a chat u a chat fi sumbady see u , u were forgotten! u spotlight blocked out so shut d hell up!
Carl Lewis? Who is Carl lewis? No one don’t know him, be careful what you say about our living upstanding hero who have proven himself to be a good bad mind and jealousy kibba you mouth.
Jamaica didnt carry out a blood test said the former chief. Where the chief reside and her nationality! WADA never question BOLT integrity but what about lewis? That man dont like jamaica because bolt speak about gay but he is attacting our island. he is seaking attention and have nothing to say about the man that is bigger than him. Damn CH brite. He must never set foot on this island, not even with his god because all that a devil 2
soya moya bolt make the comment long before he ran the race
Go sit your ass down Carl Lewis don’t you see your days are done and put down I think you need to go and clean up your house bolt house is well clean
Carl Lewis is an ignorant stupid MF
a which part wah clean up like dutty America
a which part wah clean up like dutty America
Carl don’t come in this man now eno man remember that you yourself is on crack . For years you people have taking track on field yourself only to no that most of you runners were unclean
Carl don’t come in this man now eno man remember that you yourself is on crack . For years you people have taking track on field yourself only to no that most of you runners were unclean
Looking a hype talking off im mouth,get out a ere no bady remember u.
Looking a hype talking off im mouth,get out a ere no bady remember u.
Looking a hype talking off im mouth,get out a ere no bady remember u.
What is up with this DRUGGIE Bolt is not Jamaica anti-doping body (JADCO).
What is up with this DRUGGIE Bolt is not Jamaica anti-doping body (JADCO).
What is up with this DRUGGIE Bolt is not Jamaica anti-doping body (JADCO).
Carl Lewis is just a cry baby…he definitely had a problem with Bolt’s success. …I pity him..poor old man…
Bolt can only keep himself clean,and did you know”,Lewis has now acknowledged that he failed three tests during the 1988 US Olympic trials, which under international rules at the time should have prevented him from competing in the Seoul games two months later”.
Carl Lewis has absolutely no authority to speak on the issue of drugs. He is just venting on Bolts status as a legend in Track and Field, something that Carl will never attained.
Carl Lewis u dont know of any country who’s had more case of doping like jamaica u know why ?because u take it there and therefore had set the standard for it…..a matter of fact your the only athlete that always stands out in peoples mind for doping and ever will……badmindddddddd
Go to hell carl Lewis
A high time Carl Lewis get off Bolt back, badmind and grudgeful a kill him
Carl Lewis of all person, when for his whole professional life he was a druggy, this why he is aged beyond his years, give us a break.. For the humpteen years US has reign in athletics they have been druggistsis.
I think everyone deserve a chance Asafa, Sherone,Veronica and other Jamaicans were given a second chance so why not Tyson Gay……I don’t agree for a lifetime ban…..just saying.
kmt carl mek bolt talk him clean
Lewis is a hater the statement made has no relivance and make nooo sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bolt nuh worry bout these haters !!!!!!!!!!! They can’t do you nothing!!!
Uncle Tom Or the good negga thats Carl Lewis. A black person who does not know how to support their own. That’s why we where salve for so long.
Uncle Tom Or the good negga thats Carl Lewis. A black person who does not know how to support their own. That’s why we where salve for so long.