Jamaican Student Leaves High School With Associates Degree in Biochemistry Before Heading to Stanford
Despite the numerous hardships being faced by persons living in Jamaica, students from our island are continuing to set themselves apart in their academic pursuits overseas.
Many have been rewarded for their hard work with enviable places at prestigious universities across the United States.
One such student is Deborah Gordon.
According to the Gleaner, 17-year-old Deborah, a past student of Immaculate Conception High migrated to the United States to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.
In an email response to The Gleaner, her mother, Carone Gordon, said: “After migrating, Deborah found understanding the school system as well as getting used to the culture a bit of a challenge. However, she wasn’t deterred. A very disciplined and diligent student, she has 250 volunteer hours, as she volunteers with various organisations while doing a dual enrolment programme which affords her the opportunity of graduating high school this summer with an associate degree in biochemistry.”
Having endured the difficulties of adjustment, the younger Gordon was accepted to Stanford University and has been awarded the Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship. On her journey, she has been making an effort to give back to Jamaica in her own small way.
“She is the founder of iNeed, a non-profit incorporated to assist students and young adults and recently awarded $40,000 in gift vouchers to eight Jamaican students. She is striving to expand her programme to include scholarships, since she understands without scholarships, her dreams of attending college would be shattered,” her mother explained.

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Here in the States, millions of high Chool seniors graduate with an Associate degree, it’s called running start, my son is about to graduate with an Associate, it’s just that our government needs to create more opportunity for for our kids, we need more community colleges, or more online courses.
Jamaica actually has such a program but I am not sure what CXC has done with it. Incidentally A’Levels is the equivalent of an associates degree. We just have people in charge talking nonsense
That is the power of us Jamaicans, whatever we put our minds to, we will achieve. That’s just awesome!!!