“We are Not Jamaicans” Says Lecturer in Explosive Presentation (Video)
Are we really Jamaicans?
Have you ever wondered what makes this beautiful island Jamaica?
How did the Arawaks live here for so long and leave no archaeological records?
These are some of the questions asked and answered in an explosive lecture presentation on The Untold History of Jamaica by Master Amaru Ka’Re, which was hosted at the Marcus Garvey Museum in Kingston.
In this video presentation Ka’Re claims:
Image via Youtube/YOUNG JAH’MAYKANS The so-called Arawaks are fake.
- Columbus was a mass-murderering theif.
- The “Slave Trade” was actually a Race War.
- Jamaican Citizens are legally British property.
- Christianity is a psychological weapon.
- Queen Elizabeth II still owns the Government of Jamaica.
- Jamaicans are neither “independent” nor free.
After watching this presentation please share your views in the comments.
(Video: Youtube/YOUNG JAH’MAYKANS)
Stop warp history to suit your own opinion. This is more Afrocentric crap. One must have an objective view of history even if you disagree.
i was born in jamaica where were you born?
i was born in jamaica where were you born?
were are we going as a people? backwarrd forward enslavement etc how do we plan to get there etc. why war over history? what will it do for us differently?
were are we going as a people? backwarrd forward enslavement etc how do we plan to get there etc. why war over history? what will it do for us differently?
To, all the critics especially MARVIN MATTHEWS, none of you guys know a damm thing about HISTORY, and yes the man is right in every point. When the EUROPEANS came here to JAMAICA, it was BLACK people that they came to conquer. That’s right, i say it again, BLACK people. And we are not INDEPENDENT, the QUEEN OF ENGLAND, still owns the TITLE DEED , to the LAND and the PEOPLE. GO read MARVIN MATTHEWS, ( HOUSE SLAVE). It’s guys like you who KILL our own people for MASSA, and when MASSA is sick, you say “WE SICK MASSA”.
It will be a happy day when the BLACK MESSIAH comes back to set the HOUSE IN ORDER, and return us to our former GLORY. Even that some of us don’t know that we were a striving society but were hated by the other NATIONS. Yes we are HEBREWS not AFRICANS. Read DEUTRONOMY28:
Is which asylum this poor man escaped from? My gosh… so sad…
From when he say “If GOD didn’t tell you ,you were a Jamaican then it isn’t true” he LOST me! Has anyone heard the voice of GOD? If so I would LOVE to meet them and hear myself as well… This is pure confusion
What he means is if the highest supreme being (God) never told you that, then you need to question where you hear it from, essentially meaning don’t believe the YTs lies, because it is senseless.
God has placed obvious limits on our intelligence, but not on our stupidity.
This guy lost some screws…
I don’t expect you white people to believe in a BLACK MESSIAH, your MESSIAH will always be MICHAELANGELO’S painting of the POPE’S son, YAHAWA will use the foolishness of the simple to confound the wise.
I , am confident our messiah will be a black man. Try to stop him from returning. You’re a white man so your messiah is pope Alexander’s son.
To: “jah eyes” , to let you know the slave masters didn’t give us no picture of a black messiah but a white man (pope Alexander’s son (CAESAR BOUGES )
Painted by michael angello.
And to all my black brothers who say they know history. The only history most of us know is that taught to us by our former masters. Which of you in fact, go do research like this brother did, just to try to enlighten you all. None!!!!!
And to all my black brothers who say they know history. The only history most of us know is that taught to us by our former masters. Which of you in fact, go do research like this brother did, just to try to enlighten you all. None!!!!!
Can’t be of one religion and talk against another without being biased. Would have been better if he were an atheist, then he would sound somewhat impartial. Some things sound spot on; others just plain nuts. Check it out for yourself, and don’t just believe because a black man said it. And if anyone ever read that scripture in the proper context, it doesn’t mean what he said. He had more than enough info to make valid points without the need to twist scripture for his own agenda. The reason that he thinks skin color before his religion, is because… Read more »
Life begun in africa so he might be so right
Very smart and wise ..
I want to meet this man these or the same question I often ask myself one can only have a successful future by knowing his history
You have connected the dots. Questions and inconsistencies I have had and seen my entire life, now make sense. Reading some of the comments that have been written, it shocks me as to how powerful the brainwashing and fear centuries of miseducation has distorted our minds, culture and lives. The true brilliance of their deception, is our continued support of the history and systems that exploit us. I did some research, (Google), the coat of arms. It was GRANTED in1661 under “royal” warrant by William Sancroft , then Archbishop of Canterbury, a racist. Thank you for shearing light on some… Read more »
While there may be truth to a lot of what he says, I’m not buying that the position that Jamaica now finds itself is all the white man’s fault. Racism against darker-skinned Jamaicans is rampant. How many people ever grew up hearing, “Don’t marry him or her. She or he is too black. Give yu pickney dem a chance?” When was the last time a white person walked into a neighborhood in Jamaica and killed some Jamaicans. My grandmother and cousin were murdered by four black men one Saturday morning because of a gang turf war and violence in Mountain… Read more »
This man study at two different universitys and is giving you all dumb asses his conclusion, and what you all do? If it was a white man that come to tell you this truth , you would listen, but no , a black man can’t tell you all nothing you all don’t know.
The inmates are running the asylum and having a big fuss….. not good.
My people I know that it is safe for us to protect what we have already learned and to stay in our comfort zone. But most of the information that the brother presented is true. Before you oppose this information, go and do your own due diligence. Yes it takes work and we have become used to being spoon fed information. I graduated from XLCR in 1977 and realize now, through my own study of history that most of what I was taught about history are complete lies. Please read the books for youself, including the entire Bible and when… Read more »
My people I know that it is safe for us to protect what we have already learned and to stay in our comfort zone. But most of the information that the brother presented is true. Before you oppose this information, go and do your own due diligence. Yes it takes work and we have become used to being spoon fed information. I graduated from XLCR in 1977 and realize now, through my own study of history that most of what I was taught about history are complete lies. Please read the books for youself, including the entire Bible and when… Read more »
Sometimes if we are filled with the old wine,there is no space for the new wine.I think there is a lot of facts here,somethings need to check out like the taino;this need to be look at more than one time
Sometimes if we are filled with the old wine,there is no space for the new wine.I think there is a lot of facts here,somethings need to check out like the taino;this need to be look at more than one time
I am proud of my heritage, ALL of it, Jamaican, African and whatever else I discover and I don’t have to choose one over the other. I celebrate ALL of me and YOU.
I am proud of my heritage, ALL of it, Jamaican, African and whatever else I discover and I don’t have to choose one over the other. I celebrate ALL of me and YOU.
What is Marvin talking about, you need to dig deeper into your African history because no mater where you are born as a Black man you will always be an African, if you was born in Jamaica that does not make you a Jamaican it just makes you a African born in Jamaica. Anyway despite what you think if your ancestors were not sold into slavery you would not be suffering in Africa. Africa did not have the level of starvation and disease that it has had since the European invasion. Do some more research my friend.
one more idiot come to talk, what a foolishness
I do believe in a reconstruction of history, since it is not a set of rigid facts, but some of what I hear here does not sound historically sound. As a Black person I want a God who is God of all people, not just Black people. The Puerto Ricans believe they are a mixture of Tainos (Arawaks).Whites, and Blacks. So since the Arawaks were not in Jamaica, were they in Puerto Rico or is that a lie? How do you explain presence of those “Indians” who survived the onslaught of the Europeans? As far as Egypt is concerned, since… Read more »
this should be enough information to reclaim the island, especially since they (jesuit bankers) claim that crude oil have been found off the coast of jamaica. under the convention of the Law of the Sea, the people on the island have as much international human right to these natural resources, above the vaticaan unholy seer’s (false pope profit’s) apostate claims through the Crown corporation (City of London) today UP you mighty human beings (Gods) and diplomatically accomplish what you will, is a statement made by our political emancipator, who said to use his name in the global financial whirlwind the… Read more »
You ever wondered why is it whenever another race talks about their history they’re considered proud and patriotic but whenever we do the same we’re labeled afrocentric or militant you all need to watch another series of 3 documentaries so far called hidden colors it will tell you more about our history than you’ve ever imagined.
I grew up in Europe “Germany” and I am studying in the Netherlands right know. I have learned enough of their His-Story, where black people where called slaves and niggas in history lessons. They always stated that they created everything, discovered all places on earth and stated that Chinese, Jews and African (blacks) are an unintelligent bunch of people “lower race”. I really enjoyed this presentation and the points the lecturer states are well argued.
no mater how warp or wrong the history was I AM NOW Jamaican……”out of many one people”…..some of what he is saying is somewhat correct …but he is being bias towards Africa. ok we black people might have been prisoner of war but there was a slave trade people made money due to slavery….slavery been around before Christ.This man for got that the original indians were nomadic
I think he is aq naturalise jamaican
Ok so I keep getting kicked out hope I’m not posting multiple times. I had a professor in undergrad who was from Togo. He taught Black history and taught it well. He told us that we need to know where we cone from in order to know where we are going. The only similar ppl in Jamaican to African are the Maroons. They fled captivity and went into the mountains where the slave owners could not navigate well or tolerate the heat. The slaves in the US were not as fortunate as they landscape and climate is similar to Europe.… Read more »
[…] channel – http://www.youtube.com/c/ProperGander ‘We Are Not Jamaicans’ – https://jablogz.com/2015/03/we-are-not-jamaicans-says-lecturer-in-explosive-presentation-video/ The Truth About Jamaica and Jamaicans (movie) – […]