Nigerian Man Suspected of Having Ebola at Mandeville Hospital Files Lawsuit
According to Irie FM, the Nigerian man, who was reportedly wrongfully identified as possibly suffering from Ebola when he sought treatment at the Mandeville Regional Hospital last year, has filed a law suit against the health care facility.
Dr Bob Banjo is also suing the Southern Regional Health Authority, SERHA.
He is claiming damages for false imprisonment, defamation, unlawful disclosure of patient information, and breaches of his constitutional right to privacy.
Dr Banjo says in October last year he felt ill and went to the Mandeville hospital and was seen by Dr Madasa James.

He says Dr James asked if he had travelled recently, to which the Nigerian replied that he had travelled to his hometown in Nigeria and returned to Jamaica last August.
He says at this point Dr James commented, in the presence of nurses and other patients that it was likely that he was suffering from Ebola.
Dr Banjo said this resulted in panic by people at the hospital who thought he was seeking treatment for the Ebola virus.
The Nigerian says he suffered great anxiety, distress, was ridiculed, and brought into public scandal, because of how the situation was handled.
The respondents in the suit have not yet filed their defence.

Source: Irie FM
You are crazy to think about sue when even a mother hear her child might have Ebola drop that child on run for her life listen you travel in the Ebola zone and I know I’m staying for from you even the judge will be afraid of you too
Leave to how they treat the man.if they violate the man human Rights, then he has all rights to sue.
We need to be concentrating on improving the health care of the Jamaican people instead of using the ebola scare to distract public attention to this pressing issue