Do We Really Love Jamaica?
“I am Jamaican. I love Jamaica” are words used conveniently.
It is funny that as some people leave this soil they view Jamaica with disdain and all they can seem to highlight about us are the negatives.
The international media is always quick to broadcast the negatives in the world, especially in Third World countries, so why would a true Jamaican do the same?
While there are so many things that are wrong about us, there are so many things that are right.
Why can’t we be ambassadors and highlight the good about us?

It matters not how small it is. It is an opportunity to change the perception that exists in the minds of many.
Jamaicans all over the world are doing well is so many areas and making so much contribution to the world.
Jamaicans at home are doing just as well. And I am not talking about our athletes and musicians only.
The fact is, we point fingers at others and what they have done or not done to mar our development without realizing that when we continue to sing the negatives, we are no different.
All we do is fuel the negative that exist about our beloved Jamaica.
While some things are out of our immediate control, and we cannot twist the arms of our politicians, we certainly can contribute to this country’s development by changing the perception that exists out there.
If we really love Jamaica, we would be true ambassadors and let the world know that this little island in the sun is not defined by the negativity that is promulgated about it, but is also defined by all its positive traits.
That is the only way we can truly utter the statement “Jamaica, land we love”.
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Excellent observations. All individuals need to be more responsible in the stories we tell across the globe. Be objective, fair and balanced, Jamaica deserves that much!
Jamaica, mi say str888888888:
Constructive criticisms are good. Cannot always stick your head in the sand. I highlight both the positives and negatives.
after reading this article, i feel very relief as these are some of the things i here from our own people. ( THERE IS A SAYING DON’T BURN YOUR BRIDGES) every other nation help to build their country in one way or the other. however since the epidemic of multimedia every idiot wants to be heard and most of the time has nothing good to say but only blame game and some people are outright stupid that nothing good comes from them but SHIT especially those uneducated ass hole who jump ship and living under the disguise in America
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.The first step in loving Jamaica is recognition and acceptance that something is terribly wrong and uniting as ONE to make positive change. The positive is that Jamaica greets millions of tourist every year so regardless of the negative press and media exposure, Jamaica still maintains a strong name brand. My questions is why is it that Jamaicans don’t invest in Jamaica but feel left out, betrayed and sold out when foreigners do invest in this little rock… My personal opinion is that Jamaicans have become so divided be it by domestic politics or immigrant opportunity that very little is… Read more »
I LOVE JAMAICA, JAMAICA is the most beautiful Island in the world and for such a small country our people are so talented, full a vibes that as I said in another article people all over the world want to sing like us, dance like us, cook like us and talk like us, to mention a few. My daughter got accepted to a university in the US at 16 years old, got a Bachelors Degree in Aviation Science and in currently persuing her Masters in Business Administration and she is 21 years old and we nuh rich and a Bridgeport… Read more »
Loyalty, stick together. We get enough criticism from outsiders as it is.