What Would Happen if Haiti’s Deadly Earthquake Had Hit Jamaica Instead? (Video)

Earthquakes happen suddenly and without warning and a major quake needs only seconds to completely change the human and physical landscape of a nation.
January has been designated Earthquake Awareness Month by the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management. On January 12, 2010, Haiti was struck by a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake that resulted in well over 200,000 deaths.
What many people are not aware of is, if that earthquake had occurred just a few kilometres to the west, Jamaica would have experienced its devastating impact instead of Haiti.
If you have ever wondered what would happen if Jamaica was to be impacted by such a powerful earthquake, this documentary is a MUST watch.
The short film titled QUAKE: Haiti in Jamaica, is produced by Bob Harris and tells the story of what happened when the 7.0 magnitude Haiti earthquake struck, and how Jamaica would cope with such an event.
Please watch the video below and share your thoughts in the comments.
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