Jamaica ranked as the best country in the Caribbean to do Business
According to the 2014 Forbes Best Countries for Business Report, Jamaica is the best country in the Caribbean to do business.
Jamaica sits in 64th place out of a total of 146 nations included in the rankings.
The listing of the Best countries for Business was compiled by grading the nations included using 11 factors.
Some of them included stock market performance, investor protection, red tape, corruption, technology, taxes freedom and innovation. All categories were weighed equally.
Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Anthony Hylton was pleased with the news as he stated : “This latest report will go a long way in repositioning Jamaica in the investor community and ensure that Jamaica comes to mind as one of the top places to invest, not just in the Caribbean and Latin America, but in the world. I look forward to even greater improvements in our 2015 international rankings”.
Trinidad and Tobago is ranked 71, Barbados 73, Dominican Republic 86 and Guyana 96.

JA Blogz Mi like OONU Bad bad but you article is incorrect according to the World Bank Doing Business 2015 Ranking where the forbes Article came from Jamaica is ranked 1 of 189 for EASE.. NOT BEST Place to do business. By the Markers of registering a business, obtaining electricity and paying taxes is the marker please see the full report and find Jamaica http://www.doingbusiness.org/…/Eng…/DB15-Full-Report.pdf
http://www.doingbusiness.org/~/media/GIAWB/Doing%20Business/Documents/Annual-Reports/English/DB15-Full-Report.pdf Ease not “best”
Renae thanks for posting that! Sad when people can’t get the facts correct and then a story goes viral!
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