Soaring High! – Jamaican woman pilots one of the world’s most advanced aircraft!
In a profession dominated my men, a lady from our tiny island has achieved a feat that is sure to evoke envy in the hearts of many who work in the aviation industry.
She currently pilots one of the world’s most impressive aircraft – the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The 787 Dreamliner is Boeing’s most advanced airplane and purchasing one will set you back by a cool USD $250 million.
According to United Hemispheres, First Officer Deon Byrne has made the unusual her standard for her entire life, especially in her career choice: She has flown for United for nine years, in a profession where she doesn’t see many who look like her.
“There are not a lot of women that I know of doing this,” Byrne says. “When I used to fly commuters, because I have a younger-looking face than my age, I got comments like, ‘God help us.’ But nowadays, people feel proud.”
At the tender age of 13, Byrne, the daughter of a single mother, moved to New York. “I was into school and studying, and I was the outcast.”
She explains the movie Top Gun and a chance encounter with Air Force recruiters motivated her. “I was pre-med at St. John’s University in New York. While I was at the career fair recruiting events every spring, I would ask the Air Force recruiters, ‘Is there any way I can be a doctor and fly? And they told me ‘no’ every time.’”

She studied for a semester at American University of Rome, then finished college early, with medical school, flying and travel still in her sights. She took a job as a flight attendant to pay for flying school. “The company I worked for did a lot of charters for other airlines and U.S. military. Whenever there was a hot spot in the world, that carrier would either transport troops or transport refugees. I flew around the world twice by the age of 21 or 22. It was a pretty neat experience.”
Throughout her career, proving herself has helped Byrne overcome skepticism and has opened doors, including earning a berth flying United’s newest metal, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. “I was one of the first all-female 787 flight crews,” she says. “It’s one of the most high-tech airplanes, and we were flying it. I had beaucoup customers who were very glad to see us. We did a great job.”
Flying the 787 is her dream assignment. “It brings a smile to my face every time I step into that cockpit,” she says. “And customers are excited. People will cut through Houston just to ride on the 787. It’s one of the fastest airplanes out there. We cruise really high. Someone takes off before us, and we’ll pass them over the Atlantic. I love this airplane.”
Isn’t it a truly awesome feeling to see Jamaicans achieve big things? Share your thoughts.
Source: United Hemispheres Magazine
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A lots of Jamaican out there are doing so Good ,I am really proud of you,you let me feel so proud to call myself a Jamaican… you go my bro/ Sis,sons/ daughters big up yourself,we little but we tallawah…
Heart full of pride for your accomplishments. Continue to shatter the glass ceilings and stereotypes wherever you go. God bless and keep you. Great ambassador for Jamaica.
Very proud of you
Jamaican Woman Pilot Flying Boeing 787 Dreamliner Plane. One of the World`s most advanced Aircraft.
This is great news, big up my sista
It’s glad to c Jamaica n’s excelling nt only in sport r music but also in other feilds proud to b a Jamaica big up
I feel so great when I hear stories like this
So proud of u and all your accomplishments … Proud Jamaican
Jamaican are the best
Does she left left seat in the 787? No matter, I am So very proud of her. Jamaica, too, has many really good pilots. Go United! Go Deon Byrne!
Who says nothing good comes from jamaica. I heard a Grenadian woman says that . We’ll prove her wrong.We r the best at anything.
I’m extremely proud to be a JAMAICAN. I live in the USA n I proudly display my heritage in my car. There are two things i would never change being BLACK n JAMAICAN. Keep up the good work guys. You make ne proud to be Jamaican…. What about the men????
Very impressive.. I love it! I may have to take a flight in that dreamliner 🙂
When I see stuff like these it make me feel proud to be a jamaican
We are all proud of you , the bad things are always printed first.
i would love to fly with you
Way to go coworkers, you are top of the line, Top Gun.
See I love stories like this… Been a woman is no excuse!
Jamaican women are the most sophisticated, talented and beautiful in the world. Proud of my little island
This just simply means that we are the greatest…….we can achieve whatever it is that we put our minds to ……well done my Jamaican sister.
So very proud of you
If we are bad we sore high, if we are good the sore higher and highest, God bless Jamaica land we love , we have it in all category , go girl
I am very proud of my little sisters sky is the limit
A very wonderful awesome feeling, to see Jamaicans elevated, especially women. Gone are the days when a woman,’s place was strictly in the home. Continue to aspire to greatness Deon Bryne and all women . Proud of u.
A Jamaican man once told me that Jamaicans are the smartest people in the world. Many people misunderstood what he said, that is, he was not advocating slavery, he was saying that Jamaicans are the smartest people because their superior gene pool.
Yes.. yes.. yes.. awesome my Sister!!
As a small nation we excel at everything we set our heart an mind on
great job miss byrne so proud of you and love to fly with you one day
uplifting a country that is place in third world category, sweet!!!
Wow that’s overwhelmed is so happy and proud of her my prayers are with you.
We can do good things when we put our mind set on it excellent am really proud of her
Good job miss byrne good job
Yea! Such great accomplishments should serve to convince especially our youth that “sky is the limit”. But inherent in that should be a realization that what it really takes is personal ambition and yeoman-like effort…not mere “waggonism”…
This like a breath of fresh air….I am beside myself glee…what a remarkable young woman….!!
Soooo very proud of you young lady…..great role model for the up and coming ambitious Jamaicans….!
BRAVO…BRAVO….BRAVO….I say as I raise my glass to you Miss Bryne
The Almighty guide and protect you always….x
Jamaica,,Jamaica!!. Keep holding your head up high,and run for the stars. .
Great work
Ha ha ! There’s always something good about my country exept crime .dont forget pur once air ja have one of the world’s best flight record and the best pilot .#proudjamaican.
Humbly Proud….may God richly bless you
We Jamaican can do anything we put our mind to, more love to those who done it
Despite our size what really matters is our desire, ambition and fortitude to soar to great heights and establish distinctive characteristics which automatically bring global or international admiration and recognition. Sadly, some of our leaders establish and pursue paths with destructive consequences to ambitious minds. They should be trained to commend rather than condemn and ‘come along’, rather than ‘come at’. Honesty, integrity and Justice should be the critical bases for leadership and mankind. Heartiest congrats to the lady, and may she continue to soar and compete with the Eagles. Finally, God’s richest blessings always.
As the saying goes “The Sky Is the Limit” Go Sista, You have made Jamaica Proud!!!!
You’re an inspiration to all young girls. We Jamaicans are very proud of you.
i’m very proud of this lady’s story, and it shows that what ever you tell yourself that you want to achieve in life you can get it. If you ask God to be in control and with hard work and perseverance you’ll get to the finish line. I hope a lot of us who are doubting ourselves will learn something from your story.
Jamaican, theres nothing we cant do..a proud and talented bunch
Wow amazing congrats
This is just fantastic!!
Jamaicans are full of vision. Our anthem comes alive all the time. Give us vision lest we perish, knowledge send us Heavenly Father, Grant true wisdom from above. Yes Jamaicans, we can stand tall and make our writer proud. Whatever we ask of God, that He will grant. We ask for wisdom, knowledge and vision, here we have them. Big up all Jamaicans, we are proud.
I am so proud of you my Jamaican sister
Great inspiration for the younger generation of our Jamaica Island .
Blessed Island . One Love ❤️❤️
Another addition to our long line of accomplishments and first . I am truly proud of this young lady’s accomplishments it shows when you are focus on your goals , work hard ,and believe in yourself , the sky is the limit . (no pun intended) Keeping on soaring my sister