Jamaican Government spends $4 million to deport Radical Muslim group leader
After being denied entry to Jamaica, leader of the radical Muslim movement Jamaat al Muslemeen, Yasin Abu Bakr, was sent back to Trinidad yesterday via a privately charted plane courtesy of the Jamaican government.
According to a report by Irie FM, the Jamaican government admitted that it paid US $36,000.00 or approximately $4 million Jamaican for a private plane to take leader of the Jamaat Al Muslimeen back to Trinidad.
Jamaican authorities said he was denied entry to Jamaica in the interest of National Security.
It was first revealed in the Trinidad media that their government had denied the request to pay the fees to hire the aircraft to transport Abu Bakr home.

According to The Trinidad Express, the country’s National Security Minister Gary Griffith said the Jamaican request was made through Trinidad’s High Commissioner Iva Gloudon.
Griffith said at a Post Cabinet Press Conference Wednesday that it was the first time the Trinidad and Tobago authorities knew about the decision to deport Abu Bakr.
The National Security Ministry confirmed the government paid the US $36,000.00 fee to return Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr and his group Jamaat Al Muslimeen attempted to take over the Trinidadian government in July 1990.
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How nice to be deported back to his own country in style…so considerate of the Jamaican government….but…just to save a few dollars and for future reference…it’s far cheaper to escort him handcuffed to a police officer back to Trinidad from Jamaica on a charter flight – and that’s even with a return ticket and overnight accommodation for the police officer!
Aww cmon with da foolinesh the man from Liberia came all up in Jamaica and this Man you stop in the name of national security what u got securing nothing but our lives and u all can’t get it together
We hungry and the gov of Jamaica spend 4million on one man that is not on island,am telling you i am so shame to say I am a Jamaica this is crazy,I don’t even want to here anything about Jamaica
it beggars belief that a government of a cash strapped country,jamaica,would spend this amount of taxpayers money to deport a known muslim terrorist and yet welcome with high pomp and circumstance another radical muslim and his band of followers for them to preach their filth in the national stadium……and the deported terrorist was on his way to the Farrakhan.( fake-a-man ) event…..the government are supporting and condoning the association of known Islamic terrorists…..this is corruption at the highest level and heads should roll…..jamaicas shame to the world….x
Ha!ha!maybe they are afraid he would try to overthrown them
Ha!ha!maybe they are afraid he would try to overthrown them