Is Jamaica Prepared for Ebola?
The news reported yesterday that an American citizen who recently visited LIBERIA was allowed entry to Jamaica,with no screening or testing as it relates to EBOLA.
Because of this, the hotel where he was supposed to be staying denied him entry, and both himself and his partner were allowed to leave Jamaica yesterday.
His temperature was also not taken before he was cleared to leave the airport.
The gentleman entered the COUNTRY on Wednesday, and was allowed to leave on THURSDAY.
Did anyone bother to ask how long he was in Liberia?
Was he checked at whatever AIRPORT in America he departed from before he flew to Jamaica?

And if it takes an incubation period of 21 days before becoming symptomatic, what proof do they have that this person was not indeed infected?
They say patients only become contagious once they begin to show symptoms, but we cannot afford to take any chances with this nasty virus in a country like Jamaica.
So what exactly is the protocol at the AIRPORTS in Jamaica as it relates to passengers entering the country from countries where the EBOLA VIRUS is raging like a wild fire?
Is our Ministry of National Security just as lacking as our Ministry of Health?
Is the entire country being over run by incompetent people?
In a country where the DOCTORS stated that they would have a very hard time treating patients with EBOLA because they are not fully equipped to do so, one would think more ATTENTION would be paid to those coming in from said countries.
Common sense also dictates that if even in the USA nurses have had little or no training as it relates to the use and removal of protective gear, what kind of training are the doctors and nurses there getting as it relates to EBOLA?
In a country where there not enough fire trucks to help fight fires, police vehicles when there are emergencies, ambulances, beds in hospitals, etc. etc. etc., one would think that those at the head would be on this like STINK ON A MONKEY, or do they also remain complacent so as not to lose the TOURIST DOLLARS, in the same manner that the MINISTER OF HEALTH SAID he did REGARDING his denial of the CHIK V EPIDEMIC?
Seems like once again GOD FORBID, foresight will be taken into action AFTER the HORSE has gone through the gate.
Written by Michelle Bradshaw
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In this little Island Jamaica the people who are elected lead us are nothing but a bunch of lackys and goons not to mention a reactive set of idiots.
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In Jamaica its sad to say, but our politicians or people in charge dont act until something happens ok? if a big pot hole a beg to be fixed they dont act until somebody crash and dead from it, dem hear bout chik v from how long and dem nuh seh notn to the public until it became an epidemic in jamaica, so a dat dem a wait pon wid ebola, when it done deh in a the country and start kill we off that is when they will finally act and/or step up their game kl? kl…
Michelle, what’s your source of information, re that visitor who Alledged to have also visited Liberia ,visited here?
Michelle, what’s your source of information, re that visitor who Alledged to have also visited Liberia ,visited here?
In Jamaica its sad to say, but our politicians or people in charge dont act until something happens ok? if a big pot hole a beg to be fixed they dont act until somebody crash and dead from it, dem hear bout chik v from how long and dem nuh seh notn to the public until it became an epidemic in jamaica, so a dat dem a wait pon wid ebola, when it done deh in a the country and start kill we off that is when they will finally act and/or step up their game kl? kl…