Guyanese Muslim Leader Denied Entry to Jamaica
A second Muslim leader has been denied entry to Jamaica in a matter of days.
A Guyanese man was taken off a flight from Antigua that was en route to Jamaica on Friday the Ministry of National Security has confirmed.
He is Gerald Anthony Perreira, the chairman of the Black Consciousness Movement in Guyana.
He was to participate in the million man march being held in Kingston.
Only two days prior, Leader of the Jamaat-al-Muslimeen in Trinidad, Yasin Abu Bakr, was denied entry into Jamaica.
He was also on his way to participate in the million man march. He was invited by controversial Nation of Islam leader Dr Louis Farrakhan.

…muslim radicals have no place in Jamaica…we have enough home grown terrorists without importing them…there is more than enough social unrest without these muslim hate preachers stirring up trouble and taking advantage of gullable Jamaicans…..Farrakhan has already criticized this country to which he has no connection..these radical muslims that have been denied entry were on their way to join him and no doubt add their two penneth of hate on the podium…..the sooner fake-a-man is gone the better and don’t let him back in..!..x
The government of Jamaica has a duty of care to protect its citizens, especially the vulnerable. Any threat to the security of our country and our people must be eradicated at the very root. .
Glad to see that he was deneighed entry. Jamaica. Is a God loving country with people who live in harmony with every colour and creed. We don’t want these foreigners to come here and preach their hatred!
…muslim radicals have no place in Jamaica…we have enough home grown terrorists without importing them…there is more than enough social unrest without these muslim hate preachers stirring up trouble and taking advantage of gullable Jamaicans…..Farrakhan has already criticized this country to which he has no connection..these radical muslims that have been denied entry were on their way to join him and no doubt add their two penneth of hate on the podium…..the sooner fake-a-man is gone the better and don’t let him back in..!..x
Glad to see that he was deneighed entry. Jamaica. Is a God loving country with people who live in harmony with every colour and creed. We don’t want these foreigners to come here and preach their hatred!
The government of Jamaica has a duty of care to protect its citizens, especially the vulnerable. Any threat to the security of our country and our people must be eradicated at the very root. .