5 yr-old Jamaican girl battling cerebral palsy needs our help!

A St. Ann woman is appealing for help in getting overseas therapy for her 5-year-old daughter, Leilani Ferron, who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
According to a report by Irie FM, the family is hoping to raise a minimum of 5 million dollars in order for little Leilani to attend an ability camp in Canada, where she can receive a combination of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and conductive education therapy.
In an interview with Irie FM’s Elise Kelly on the Eazy Skanking show this afternoon (June 25), the child’s mother, Taneeka Johnson-Ferron, says little Leilani had seizures from as young as a day old.
She says the seizures stopped after a year as a result of medication.
But little Leilani has not been able to develop her motor skills, among other things, up to now.
In the meantime, the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s JCF’s St. Ann Community Safety and Security Branch, will be assisting in efforts to get funding for little Leilani.
Sergeant Lorna West-Small says a benefit concert among other things will be held to raise funds for the child’s much-needed therapy in Canada.
Donations can be made to Jamaica National Account number 10761590.
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