
Jamaican construction worker marries daughter of US house speaker

John Boehner, Lindsay Boehner, Jamaican Husband

The oldest daughter of John Boehner, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, is now married to her dreadlocked, Jamaican-born construction worker boyfriend.

Lindsay age 35, tied the knot with Dominic Lakhan, 38 in a lush Florida garden over the weekend. She donned a white strapless gown,  while Dominic wore a grey suit with his dreadlocks flowing down his back.

Dominic Lakhan, jamaicanDominic was arrested in 2006 for possessing marijuana, with the arresting officer reporting that Lakhan admitted to possessing it for “personal use”. John Boehner is a strong opponent of legalizing marijuana.

The Republican House Speaker reportedly watched intently after walking Lindsay down the aisle during the heavily secured ceremony.



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