Dear Love Doctor

Valentine’s Day Tips From Love Doctor Monti

If you have a crush on someone, the most romantic day of the year (14 February) offers the perfect opportunity to express to someone special that you have deep-rooted feelings about them.

Since 1537, when Henry VII declared Valentine’s Day, there’s been endless cases of unrequited love. People tend to tread a fine line between admiration and desire, which can make some individuals feel uncomfortable as there can be infatuation.

If it is genuine affection and fondness, then the final reward of being in love can become all that more special. That’s if you learn that the person that you yearn after for a potential relationship is also romantically interested in you.

Here’s some Valentine’s Day tips from Love Doctor Monti, a former Jamaica resident with a sprinkling of Caribbean heritage that includes Cuban as well as Jamaican.


His words of wisdom as a bona fide Love Doctor since his teenage years, have offered poignancy for thousands upon thousands from the Cayman Islands in one direction to Japan in the other direction.

Last year his book Journey To Find The Perfect Partner Forever was met with much acclaim, with sales now going particularly well in Miami and Singapore.

The 20-chapter book, which begins with “Are You Ready For Romance?” and ends with “Happily Ever After” is also available as an eBook.

If you have a secret crush, or someone special that you are in a relationship with, there are a plethora of ways to express your love on 14 February.

There are various websites to send an anonymous card, email or text message to express your amorousness.

Or you can go one better and physically give your love interest a red rose and card at their workplace on Valentine’s Day.

Only include a large and confident kiss inside the card, because it’s considered to be unlucky to sign a Valentine’s Day card. However, it’s best to spray some of your favourite scent on the envelope, and on the back of the card include your phone number.


Only a red rose will do, which signifies love, passion and romance. This was the flower of choice for Venus, the Greek goddess of love.

Sending the card and flower to a workplace should result in their work colleagues encouraging your love interest to contact you. This mysterious approach will garner more interest than a piece of carefully prepared prose.

For those more traditional individuals you can send a cardless bouquet of roses, as it is vital to stay mysterious.

The perfect note to add, to keep a potential romantic liaison intrigued is to scribe Roses are red, carnations are white, do you fancy a virtual date this Sunday night?

You can also be super romantic by sending an invite for the two of you to go on a virtual trip or tour, to such romantic destinations as Paris and Venice.

This is simplistic, as you can arrange a YouTube link to be sent for the two of you to experience the rendezvous simultaneously and chat during the video and if all goes smoothly afterwards as well.

There’s also the option for those who fancy a video date with a difference. If you know where the love interest lives or works, try to arrange a bottle of their favourite tipple to be delivered with an unsigned note that includes a time that you’ll make contact.

This course of action is romantic and mysterious. Your crush will no doubt appreciate your thoughtfulness, and have loosened up with a drink or two by the time you phone them at the predetermined time.

There’s many video apps to choose from, so you can always make contact via WhatsApp or a similar app to surprise your blind date.


Should hugs be impossible in person, your best bet is to consider sending virtual gifts.

If you are feeling really adventurous and determined to win over your potential partner’s heart then food could be your solution.

Arrange for the ingredients (and a bottle, either alcoholic or non-alcoholic) to be sent to their home or workplace.

Include a mysterious note, suggesting what time you want to get things sizzling by each cooking the same meal over a video call. This can then be followed by wining and dining together from a distance.

If cooking seems like a step too far, then sugary treats are a terrific alternative. Send a fancy tin of biscuits, or some luxury chocolates, but just ensure that the ingredients are suitable for those with nut allergies if you don’t really know this person that well.

A trio of other playful gestures to maybe order for an ideal mysterious gift are:
– a photo frame (on Valentine’s Day you can send a photo via your mobile phone to suggest slipping this image into the frame);
– a paperback book (whose title or storyline indicates a clue about who ordered this), or;
– a scent with your unsigned message of ‘Love Is In The Air’.

Ordering a movie, whether on one of the TV platforms or by sending a DVD, is a romantic gesture.

You can suggest watching it at the same time, but don’t forget that during the film to send sweet texts about it to engage.

Some suggested titles are the rom-coms Isn’t It Romantic, Love Actually and Some Like It Hot as well as classic romances like Gone With The Wind and Roman Holiday.

These tips for Valentine’s Day will help to build up a natural strong bonding through simplistic actions, and kick off the romantic relationship with genuinely caring behaviour.


The Love Doctor has one last piece of advice for as perfect a Valentine’s Day date as possible: “Eye gazing, listening, nodding, smiling and dressing for the occasion goes a long way to making someone feel extra special.”

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