Persons In Jamaica Now Able To Pay For Products From Amazon At Western Union
Consumers who were unable to purchase items on because they don’t have a credit card can now do so using cash courtesy of a partnership between Western Union and Amazon.
Western Union yesterday unveiled a new payment option that allows customers in Jamaica to pay in local currency for their purchases.
A post on the GKMS website (Western Union’s agent in Jamaica) states the new payment option, brought to Jamaica in alliance with Bill Express, an affiliate of Western Union Agent GraceKennedy Money Services (GKMS), enables customers to shop’s vast product selection and pay in cash at Western Union® Agent locations across the country.
Per the post:
The new payment option makes it easy for more customers to shop and the Amazon mobile app. After selecting PayCode on the Amazon checkout page, customers will be sent a code, along with instructions on how to pay in person at any participating Western Union Agent location.
The move by Western Union and Amazon provides greater access to online goods for customers who have largely been excluded from e-commerce shopping due to lack of accepted payment methods.

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