Love And Romance Tips From Love Doctor Monti

With Valentine’s Day clearly the world’s most romantic day of the year, UK-based Love Doctor Monti offers his dose of medicine for romance with his top five love tips…
Know your value yourself before embarking on a relationship
Many singletons will see someone who is out of their league in terms of looks, age or financial clout, yet want to pursue that ‘prize’ for the sheer thrill of the chase.
But you need to know your value as a potential partner and what you can offer both short-term and long-term before embarking on a potential relationship.
Be realistic in assessing your value and what you can offer to prevent wasting your time, money and efforts chasing someone who will never be interested in you.
Remember the expression of ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ before wasting energy chasing the impossible.
Love is long-term, lust is short-term
Be patient, don’t try to impress too soon. Allow the relationship to develop into a slow-burning romance by showing respect at all times and gradually growing as a couple.
Those eagerly seeking their next fix of feeling good, thanks to those neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, will soon realise that it is just lust so that will only run a natural length of time before the relationship starts to fall apart.
Eye gazing, listening, nodding and smiling goes a long way
Learn to build up a natural strong bonding through simple actions to kick off the relationship with caring behaviour.
The combination of these are powerful and will keep your romance alive.
Boost love chemicals
Numerous brain chemicals provide the feeling of attachment and romance, especially oxytocin – the one and only love hormone.
Try and find someone that makes you happy because of the oxytocin chemicals that are released.
Oxytocin can be enhanced by caring and thoughtful actions that include cuddling, holding hands, sharing meals together and even watching romantic movies as a couple. So plan to include these for your next romance and see the difference from previous relationships.
Men will know if she is ‘the one’ because studies claim that males only release oxytocin when they are with someone that they truly care about, which is what helps to create a monogamous bond.
Keep the heart rate pumping
When you first realised that there was something special between you the heart rate increased.
When you arrange a date then don’t allow this feeling of excitement to die, keep the heart rate pumping by arranging to do edgy things together to ensure those powerful feelings last.
Love Doctor Monti has been prescribing the perfect matching-making remedy for in search of their one true love.
Having studied the art of love and romance in France, he has over three decades of helping singletons across the globe – from Jamaica to Japan – find dates and is regularly featured on TV, radio and traditional media.
This year he is the one and only official Dating Consultant for small businesses at the world’s first Singles Expo, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham in June ( that is partnered with TV’S hugely popular ‘First Dates’ show.
Since starting dating website, Monti hosts various innovative dating events, from dinner dates to all inclusive singles holidays where he hones in on going back to older dating traditions that are centred in real life experiences.
He explained: “We encourage singletons to ditch digital dating sites and meet people face-to-face. This means we don’t end up with shallow individuals, but generally those who are caring and arrive with an open mind and sense of adventure.
“True love is all about that spark being ignited. It is rare for love at first sight, and usually it is the second time that singletons meet each other they can distinguish whether there is any chemistry or not.
“What helps to create a perfect match is if there is a mutual instant respect and similar aspirations for a relationship, whether short-term or long-term.”
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