Jamaicans Among Thousands From Caribbean To See Their Status Legalised In The UK

The Windrush generation refers to persons who arrived in the UK between 1948 and 1971 from several Caribbean countries.
The name originates from the ship – the MV Empire Windrush arrived at Essex, carrying workers from Jamaica, and other countries in the region to fill vacancies in the UK.
The ship reportedly carried 492 persons – many of whom were children.
Many of these persons have reportedly been detained or deported from the UK after failing to produce documents proving their status as legitimate residents of the United Kingdom.
However, while speaking in parliament recently, UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd said a the team will be formed to work with persons from that era who need to have their status legalised.
The UK’s Prime Minister – Theresa May has also offered an apology for the treatment that has been meted out to members of the Windrush generation.
During a meeting with Caribbean leaders she said:
“I take this issue very seriously. The home secretary apologised in the House of Commons yesterday for any anxiety caused. And I want to apologise to you today. Because we are genuinely sorry for any anxiety that has been caused”.
She added: “Those who arrived from the Caribbean before 1973 and lived here permanently without significant periods of time away in the last 30 years have the right to remain in the UK, as do the vast majority of long-term residents who arrived later. I don’t want anybody to be in any doubt about their right to remain here in the United Kingdom.”
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