National Identification System– A Sellout By the JLP Government
The National Identification System (NIDS) is one of the most poorly constructed policies the Jamaica Labour Party and its leader has ever sought to unleash upon the people of this island.
The JLP has so many social ills and infrastructural programmes of urgency, yet it seeks to squander millions of borrowed money to waste on an identification scheme which will do nothing for the citizens of this country who already have in their possession drivers licences, passports and voter registration cards.
Who will benefit from this national identification? Certainly the vendor(s) of ID equipment and the close political cronies who from every government always get the coveted contracts.
Jamaicans have always been shortchanged by political parties and government but this time it is horrendous that this JLP regime is enforcing a ‘Nazi type’ act on its citizens.
The National ID will take away many of our human rights by tying every area of our life to government scrutiny. While the scheme in all fairness may facilitate needy extraction of data where necessary for developmental issues, it will largely do nothing extra to truly benefit our people.
At the heart of this however is that the government is selling out our country, selling our legacy and birthright for more loans which will help ensure that future generations will be indebted to international lending agencies.
Holiness will go down in history as a Prime Minister who callously sold our this country for a bucket of schillings!

Yours truly,
Maurice Christie
Aboukir , St. Ann
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