PM Declares Denham Town Second Zone of Special Operations
Prime Minister Andrew Holness today declared the second Zone of Special Operations in Denham Town Kingston.
The first zone of special operations was launched on the first of September 1 in Mount Salem and its environs in St James.
Prime Minister Holness announced the second ZOSO while speaking at Jamaica House this morning.
The Primer Minister also released the following statement:
“This morning (October 17) I declared the second Zone of Special Operations and Community Development Operations in Denham Town, Kingston under The Law Reform (Zones of Social Operations) (Special Security and Community Development Measures) Act, 2017.
The Gazetted Order of the declaration is dated Tuesday, October 17, 2017 and the zone will operate for a period of sixty (60) days.
The rule of law must be upheld and preserved in every nook and cranny of Jamaica. We can no longer afford any area to provide a safe haven for criminals to hide. Zone by zone, community by community, square inch by square inch, we will establish and restore public order, citizen security and public safety. We will make Jamaica safe again.”

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