Major Shake-Up In The JCF, Several Senior Officers Transferred
The Police High Command has announced the transfers of several senior officers from various divisions. The transfers take effect on Wednesday, August 02.
The transfers according to the JCF are as follows:
1.Assistant Commissioner of Police Ealan Powell from the Criminal Investigative Branch (CIB) to the Inspectorate of Constabulary (IOC).
2.Assistant Commissioner of Police Ronald Anderson from the Mobile Reserve to Area 4 Headquarters.
3.Assistant Commissioner of Police Warren Clarke from the Area 1 Headquarters to the Criminal Investigative Branch (CIB).
4.Assistant Commissioner of Police Millicent Sproul-Thomas from the Administrative Branch to Major Organized Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA).

5.Assistant Commissioner of Police Richard Stewart from the Commissioner’s Office (JCF Staff Officer) to the Administrative Branch.
6.Assistant Commissioner of Police Norman Heywood from Training Branch to Area 2 Headquarters.
7.Assistant Commissioner of Police Fitz Bailey from the Area 2 Headquarters to the Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigation Branch (C-TOC).
8.Assistant Commissioner of Police Donovan Graham from the Area 3 Headquarters to Area 1 Headquarters.
9.Assistant Commissioner of Police Clifford Chambers from Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigation Branch (C-TOC) to Area 3 Headquarters.
10.Superintendent Everal Linton from St. James to the Mobile Reserve.
11.Senior Superintendent Terrence Bent from Area 4 Headquarters to Mobile Reserve.
12.Senior Superintendent Karina Powell-Hood from the Community Safety and Security Branch (CSSB) to the Commissioner’s Office (JCF Staff Officer).
13.Senior Superintendent Egbert Parkins from Westmoreland to Area 3 Headquarters.
14.Senior Superintendent Steve McGregor from the Territorial Operations Portfolio to the Community Safety and Security Branch (CSSB).
15.Superintendent Charmine Shand from the Administrative Branch (Pension Benefits) to the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA).
16.Superintendent Enid Ross-Stewart from Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA) to the National Police College of Jamaica (NPCJ).
17.Superintendent Lanford Salmon from the St. Elizabeth Division to the Westmoreland Division.
18.Superintendent Jervis Moore from Area 1 Headquarters to the Criminal Investigative Branch (CIB).
19.Superintendent Paulette Green from Mobile Reserve to National Intelligence Bureau (NIB).
20.Superintendent Yvonne Wright-Heywood from Corporate and Special Services to the Administrative Branch (Pension Benefits).
21.Deputy Superintendent Catherine Lord from the National Police College of Jamaica (NPCJ) to the St. Elizabeth Division.
Deputy Superintendent Howard Simmonds from the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) to the St. Thomas Division.
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