Man Afflicted By Water-Borne Disease Tests Negative For Cholera
According to Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Winston De La Haye, a sample that was sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (Carpha) from a patient being treated for water-borne disease has tested negative for cholera.
Earlier this month, the ministry was informed of a patient presenting with fever and abdominal pain.
A bacteria was subsequently identified in the patient’s blood.
Yesterday morning, Dr. De La Haye, disclosed that a provisional report from Carpha states that the samples were negative for the virus cholera.
Dr. Winston De La Haye also said the test will be repeated with a formal report being available some time next week.
The Ministry of Health is again informing the public that currently there has been no confirmed case of cholera in Jamaica. The last known case of cholera on the island occurred 150 years ago.

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