I am Truly Heartbroken By the Behaviour of Some Jamaicans
I was brought to tears when I saw and read about what was done by people in America and from other countries to show their support for those who died in Orlando.
However, when I hear about those who gave their lives attempting to save the lives of others, and then see words of hate coming from my fellow Jamaicans, it truly makes me grieve.
How many times have we seen video after video of Jamaicans who have been shot, dragged, kicked etc? And what did their fellow countrymen do instead of helping? TAKE A VIDEO TO PUT ON FACEBOOK.
And yet we have the audacity to even dare to be critical of others? What hypocrites we are!
So many of our people have COLD hearts. Day after day we hear and see the senseless bloodletting of our people by those who have no love. Where are our voices? Where is the disdain and anger?
Have we become so callous that the agony and pain of another person no longer moves us to want to help?
My God, even ANIMALS upon seeing another of their species hurt or in need of assistance try to help, and we dare to call them dumb?
We truly are a sad people, devoid of any EMPATHY whatsoever towards our fellow man.
We prefer to hold firm to our political alliances, disregarding the fact that we all share the banner of Jamaicans, and then dare to criticise those who know the true meaning of LOVE, EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY.
May God Help Us

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