Where are the Women’s Advocates in Jamaica?
A young woman was recently gunned down in Old Harbour.
For the past year, I have been following what is going on in Jamaica ‘wid di heap a murder’, and only some of us are willing to admit that it is too much; we only have 2.8 million people and we have long exceeded the murder per capita rate for most Caribbean countries.
Women are being murdered at an unacceptable rate and no one seems to care. Women are no longer off limits and this has become the norm.
They too, are at the mercy of some of the worst SUBHUMANS who only get high off blood. When they kill off the mothers of society, who will raise/guide our children? Why must these animals be so vicious toward women?
Why haven’t we heard anyone, with any consistency, publicly denounce these violent attacks on women?

Are we so uncivilized, desensitized, and accustomed to the frequency at which ‘di heap a murder’ occur?
I contacted Mrs. Holness a month ago after seeing a video of a man beating the crap out of a woman without remorse.
I contacted her because as a woman and the wife of our Prime Minister, I thought that she might care about the plight of our women.
Mrs. Holness acknowledged that women are being murdered and abused at a high rate and rarely are the perpetrators punished. We see the photos and videos on Facebook all the time.
In response she promised to do as much as she can to help, but it is hard to hold my breath now that we have come this far and matters seem to only get worse.
Women’s Rights Groups in Jamaica (if any exists) need to step up and out, and help put pressure on our government to enforce laws to help fix this crime monster. There is nothing worse than seeing a woman get shot down in the street like a dog.
Our Security Minister recently mentioned bringing back the death penalty, for obvious reasons, and he made the announcement before the CNN reporter dubbed us “extra-ordinarily violent.” Our society can no longer wait on the death penalty debate. We need action now.
May this young woman’s soul rest in peace.
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