Jamaicans Warned To Stay Away From Trinidad by Former National Cyclist
There has been heightened tension between Jamaica and the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) in recent years.
Earlier this year, 12 Jamaicans were prevented from entering the country.
The somewhat vague reason given for their denial of entry by the Trinidad and Tobago Government was that: they were “deemed likely to become charges on public funds”.
Now former national cyclist Horace McFarlane is warning all Jamaicans not to go the Trinidad as he believes they will not receive a warm reception there.
His warning comes shortly after his deportation to Jamaica after he was reportedly held in T&T on drug-related charges, crimes for which he has continued to maintain his innocence.
McFarlane spent close to four years in prison in Trinidad, having been arrested initially in 2012 and he claims that during his incarceration, he was the recipient of unjust treatment solely for being a Jamaican citizen.
He also states he was just given deportation papers and told to buy a ticket and leave the country, adding that his passport and his personal belongings were never returned.
He is expected back in court in Trinidad on May 27.

Source: Irie FM
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