Real Women Don’t Try to Bring Other Women Down
The thing about SOME women is, we like to pretend that we are “clothed in confidence”, yet deep down inside some of us have a likkle “bring dung sensor”.
One that alerts us whenever another woman is ‘perceived’ a threat.
This sensor brings on intimidation, and the intimidation festers into vindictiveness and even hate.
If she’s perceived a threat, she must be “brought down.”
Women that are clothed in REAL confidence don’t operate this way.
We compliment, uplift, and if we have an issue with someone we either chose to ignore (avoid drama), or we deal with it tactfully.

We don’t have a NEED to compete or bring anyone down.
That is a woman with REAL confidence,one who is happy and content with who she is.
The recent “low-blow” on LIVE TV was not in accordance with a woman who empowers, and most certainly not one with REAL confidence.
It was the complete opposite, it wreaked of intimidation.
To one of the ladies – nothing beats diplomacy. You handled it like a WOMAN.
There’s a saying that goes, “You don’t have to disrespect and insult others simply to hold your own ground. If you do, that shows how shaky your own position is.”
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