
JDF Helps Rescue Venezuelan Fishermen Off Coast of Jamaica

A crew of six fishermen who set set sail from Venezuela in early April were reportedly rescued with the assistance of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF).

The JDF Cost Guard on Friday revealed that it aided in the rescue of the six men after their vessel sank about 250 nautical miles (402 kms) southeast of Jamaica.

The Venezuelan fishermen were picked up by the JDF Coast Guard officers and carried ashore to the Coast Guard’s headquarters, located in Port Royal, Kingston.

Officers say they were processed and screened before being transferred to the care of officials at the Venezuelan embassy in Jamaica.


JDF says the six men were grateful for the rescue and expressed relief at being brought back safely to shore.

In a press release, the JDF Coast Guard note that as a signatory to the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (1979), parties to the convention must ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea.

The vessel was initially spotted by the United States Coast Guard.


Source: teleSUR

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