Political Debate Cancelled!
The Jamaica Debates Commision has revealed that it will no longer be able to organise the first political debate that was scheduled for Tuesday, February 16.
In a release to the media on Friday the agency stated that it had written to the PNP, asking it to re-evaluate its stance regarding participating in three debates ahead of the February 25th election.
In its letter, the JDC noted that it had indicated that for the first debate to take place on Tuesday, the JDC would need three clear days in order to mobilise its teams to ensure the staging of a quality production and asked for a response by 5pm, Friday, February 12.
With no response forthcoming, the JDC’s letter concluded: “As we have not received a response as at the time of writing, we wish to advise that the JDC can no longer commit to organising and staging the first debate on Tuesday, February 16.”
However the JDC also stated that it is still willing to staging the three debates beginning later in the week provided an agreement can be reached with the JLP to that effect.
On Saturday Opposition Leader Andrew Holness seemingly poked fun at the unwillingness of the PNP to participate in the scheduled debate when he posted an image to social media with the caption “Waiting on the debate…”
The post has so far garnered nearly 16000 likes and close to 4000 shares.

Curated from Loop Jamaica
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