
Zik-V Alert! Jamaicans Urged to Prepare For Mosquito Borne Virus

Amid increased reports of transmission of the Zika virus in countries in the Americas, Jamaicans have been urged to increase their preparation by destroying mosquito breeding sites.

In a statement on Friday, Health Minister Horace Dalley called on communities, church and school administrators, businesses and householders to search for and destroy mosquito breeding sites.

“I am urging every Jamaican to band together and help to rid their communities of mosquito breeding sites. If we all take just ten minutes each week to search our premises and get rid of anything in which water can settle and either cover it, keep it dry or dispose of it, that will go a far way in reducing the mosquito population,” Dalley asserted.

So far ten countries have already reported transmission of the Zika virus – including Brazil, Chile (Easter Island), Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela.


Minister Dalley further contended that it is important that persons are proactive and use this period to search their premises to ensure that there are no potential breeding sites for mosquitoes.

“It is the task of every citizen to get rid of this mosquito. Those who are in the high risk group especially pregnant women need to be particularly vigilant as they are likely to experience severe symptoms if they contract the zika virus,” Minister Dalley cautioned.

Persons should also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellent containing DEET, putting mesh on windows and doors and wearing long sleeved clothing where possible.


Source: Loop Jamaica

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