Man Who Bit Cop’s Ear And Stole His Firearm Now in Police Custody
A man who is accused of biting the ear of a cop and stealing his firearm during an incident of road rage is now in the custody of police.
According to Loop News, the suspect, an ex member of the Jamaica Defence Force, turned in himself in the presence of an attorney to the police on Monday. He also returned the cop’s service weapon.
Sergeant Bruce Williams of Protective Services was reportedly travelling along Hope Road close to midnight when he witnessed a motor vehicle accident in which one car – a white Nissan Sunny – refused to stop.
Williams is said to have followed the Nissan Sunny and managed to intercept the vehicle at West King’s House Road. An altercation reportedly developed between Williams and the rogue driver, during which the civilian managed to overpower the cop, bite off piece of his ear and beat him to a frazzle while relieving him of his gun.
The ex-soldier allegedly escaped on foot. He is expected to be charged on Thursday.
The bruised cop is reportedly at home recuperating.

Source: Loop News