Is Ishawna Pregnant? Artiste Posts Ultrasound Image Online
Popular dancehall entertainer Ishawna set social media abuzz with speculations after she posted an ultrasound image which included the words “12 weeks and 4 days” to Instagram.
The image which was posted on Wednesday also had the following caption:
Im sooooo excited rite now!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️#UnexpectedNews #GodIsGood #aBabyIsABlessing #CantWaitForThisLilBundleOfJoyToArrive
Fans wasted no time to offer congratulations while others speculated who the father of the child is.
See some comments from fans below:

- thickazz_oct_26Unnuh fool, d woman neva state she a breed but how unnuh luv mix up, dwl
- 876oneaka^^ Same thing mi a seh! ?? @thickazz_oct_26
- mhz_ezric_gallimoreU don’t go 3 trimester until ur abt 6-9 months
- keyannibrownin@sashellr @brina_innocent
- juggla25Congrats tho ????
- pariscforbesCheck ur dm
- pariscforbesOh my congrats Hun!!!!
- dj_kamarbossMi kno a fi who???????…@mslegendary
- tarikasam@the_duchess1
- brandy_blingOmg!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow
- mariebkdwaouuuuuuh félicitations @mslegendary pour ton bébé
- shackysweetsBet it ain’t hers lol she can mash up unuh head ???
- konfydencemusicCongrats boo
- edroysimpson1412Wtf me sascrisse
- kaylaleagendaryCongrats mama I no its your second blessings… Either they believe are not but your real friends no you are carrying baby #M