Off the Plantations But Still Mentally Enslaved
There is a reason why Jamaica is where it is in 2015.
The ignorance and illiteracy of many with the right to vote is the biggest problem facing us at this time.
Imagine my DISGUST when visiting a few forums on social media, to discover that instead of giving credit to our athletes like Bolt, Asafa, Shelly-Ann and others, persons were arguing about which one of them was labourite and which a comrade.
Are many so DARK AND ILLITERATE that even the color of Shelly-Ann’s braids meant she was a labourite?
Is it so hard for some of us to put political affiliation aside that even in the midst of joy, we find the time to tout political alliances?
When even the color of the FLAG becomes a fodder for politics, it tells me something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with us as a people.

We have a motto that says “OUT OF MANY ONE“.
The very first line of our anthem says, “Eternal Father bless our land”, the first line of our pledge says “I pledge my heart forever to serve with humble pride”, and yet in 2015 after celebrating 53 years of independence we are still slaves of our own making.
How sad is it to live in a society where a colour defines who your are, and it is not the colour of your skin, but GREEN AND ORANGE?
How sad is it that we HATE each other over POLITICIANS who sit, eat, drink, laugh, talk, and are best friends with each other, while we are willing to CUT EACH OTHER DOWN in their defense?
Many are no longer on the plantations cutting sugar cane, but the slavery mentality is still rampant much to the point they do not even yet understand that they are FREE.
I do pray for a day when we will be able to throw off the shackles of political and mental slavery and really understand WHO WE ARE, and that we are allowing IGNORANCE AND ILLITERACY to chart our way forward, much to the detriment of each and every one of us.
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Put the blame where it belongs! Our history of slavery suggests that we should never have adopted the Westminster model two-party system, the system of the slave master, as ours following our independence. And the leaders, who should know better perpetuate this color rubbish and preach anti-green and anti orange to their followers. When party enthusiam turns into comments like ‘dutty labourite’ and ‘dutty PNP’ and ‘so and so fi dead’ then we can never move forward as a people. That is fanaticism, and I do not support fanaticism, Religious or Political!!
I dont see the correlation between the discussion and the Westminster parliamentary model. Perhaps you could explain? Perhaps you could suggest what model should have been adopted instead?
It is really sad.Those who do it think they are smart and guess what they don’t wish to emancipate themselves.
There must be benefit for politicians promoting green vs orange and the use of colors is childlike too.
Guess what only a revolution can help thats what make Cuba and USA so great
I agree, we Jamaicans have not emancipated ourselves from mental slavery.for someone to define themselves as the colour of a political party I
i don’t see the reason why one should used a color to define them self