Minister Thwaites Was Exactly Right!
So the Minister of Education recently made a statement in which he referred to the behavior of some of our children as akin to that of ‘Leggo Beasts’.
Now some people seemingly want to put him on a cross and crucify him for daring to make such a statement.
But let us not for one minute kid ourselves and pretend that he was wrong.
He spoke to a truth that many wish to pretend that some of these youngsters are angels just waiting to be seated at the right hand of Christ on the day of judgement, and that is just abject rubbish.
Truth be told, that when schools are war zones because of the behavior of the children, when guns, knives,and other weapons are being confisticated from these students and it makes the news, we need not condemn Minister Thwaites but to admit that there is a problem of poor parenting.

And if we do nothing to fix this, the least of Jamaica’s problems will be what Minister Thwaites has said, but the fact that we are raising little demons whose role models are entertainers who preach gun violence and earning stripes and respect not by being progressive, but by taking lives.
It takes a village to raise a child, but if that village is filled with poor role models then there is a good chance we will be raising persons who exhibit ‘leggo beast’ behaviour.
Whether or not we want to crucify Minister Thwaites, he is speaking to a harsh reality, and if we refuse to face it we will only exacerbate a situation that is already getting out of control.
Minister Thwaites is Exactly right.lots of us thinking that long time,he merely voiced our thoughts.Careless mumma x wukliss pupa produce leggo beast pikney.
one can see many leggo beasts at the taxi stands or at the bus terminals. Keep your heads in the sand Jamaica. One day one of them going to be leading jamaica.
..and the leggo beasts in parliament?
Min Thwaites just speaking the facts in raw jamaican terms. He has nothing to apologize about.
Minister Thwaites has spoken the truth.