Do Better Mr. Bunting
The remark made by Minister of National Security Peter Bunting saying that high ranking members of the JLP are acting like a set of john crows was wrong on ALL LEVELS.
In a country where the murder rate has surpassed 600 in the 7th month of the year, stooping to that level as Minister of National Security, when he should be addressing the high crime rate speaks volumes.
First off what is happening as it relates to the high incidences of crime in Jamaica, has far surpassed JLP and PNP. It is a Jamaican crisis and needs to be addressed as such. When the lives of four people can be snuffed out in an instant, when all they were doing was playing dominoes, we have a problem!
Jamaicans on a whole need to get up off their behinds, stop pontificating over politicians, stop making excuses for them and demand action. This kind of MADNESS cannot be allowed to continue.
A little country in the middle of the Caribbean Sea ranks as the 6TH most murderous country in the entire world, and Jamaicans instead of saying no more are making this about political alliances? Seriously?

So will we wait until the next person killed in cold blood is a relative of friend before we demand better, or will we continue to try and justify which party is the best for Jamaica, when BOTH have royally screwed us over?
Minister Bunting, instead of addressing this CRITICAL ISSUE you choose to go into the gutter.
If members of the JLP wish to make the devastating effects of crime a platform to score political points, by all means LET THEM regardless of whether they genuinely want betterment for the country, or just to receive power.
This is the business of every single Jamaican, and politicians simply offering condolences to the family members of slain victims is no longer enough.
This scourge of crime requires work from everyone, more so yourself as Minister of National Security.
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Well said Michelle. But unfortunately those who hold politician in High esteem are not reading these articles and will continue to stoop to the lowest level while the innocent in our country dies. Yes Shame on Mr. Bunting and shame on any member of the opposition who chooses to score political points from crime. You are right, the problem is bigger than politic. It needs divine intervention…..Do you remember those words Mr Bunting?
He have no moral values of good sense of character as most of them in office is,Had he have respect for himself he would have also showed it on to others . What is lacking with some of these ministers is love and compassion along with respecting one another in office an humanity . If they are lacking that inside as a person ,then how can they have it ,and show it to wards others they have no self respect nor manners. I am so ashame of some of these so call /wanna be leaders they need God before they… Read more »