Lisa Hanna Hospitalised After Crash on Highway 2000
Youth and Culture Minister Lisa Hanna has used social media to thank persons who offered her well wishes after she met in an accident on the Spanish Town leg of Highway 2000.
According to Loop Jamaica Hanna was a passenger in a Toyota Corolla motor vehicle which crashed after trying to swerve out the way of the scene of another accident. Her driver was also injured.
The minister is reportedly suffering from chest pains after the air bag deployed on impact.
She was carried to hospital by security minister Peter Bunting and reportedly had x-Ray examination and CT scans.
She shared this photo showing the mangled remains of the vehicle online with the caption:
“Thank you for the concern. There was an existing accident on the highway and the cars had no lights, we swerved out of the way. God is great! I was on the passenger side in the front. P and I were able to walk out of the car and taken to the hospital”.

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…I see as per usual a Jamaican,this time a government minister,..attempting to justify a vehicle collision by blaming an existing accident for a reason for swerving,,causing another collision with a parked car at the original accident scene….un-acceptable.!….the rule is simple…drive according to the road condiions.!…anticipate the possibility of obstacles…hanna,s driver was part of a police escort and driving or above jamaicas best roads limit of 70MPH….absolutely no excuse for running into a parked car.!…..speed and its effects causes most deaths on jamaicas roads….LEARN TO DAMNWELL DRIVE MORONS.!…x