Iconic Dancer Patsy Ricketts Latest to Blast Chronixx

Patsy Ricketts, a prominent Rastafarian and one of Jamaica’s most noted dancers has joined a seemingly growing line of widely known persons who are expressing their displeasure with the popular Jamaican entertainer – Chronixx.
Ricketts recently used Facebook to speak her mind about the popular reggae star.
This is what she posted:
My son Alty George Nunes also known as Jah Ova Evil (J.O.E) passed in 2011. Soon after he passed Chronixx came into our lives, he actually slept in my son’s bed and stayed with us for about 2 years. From there he worked on his hits Behind Curtain, Warrior and even his recent hit Spirulina. We had frequent reasonings about Rastafari, which he seldom agreed on (smiley face) but we decided to put our energy into him because we saw the talent.
I will not forget the night when our youths started pasting posters of Chronixx on light posts, we blogged on the internet for him, in general we pushed him forward. He obviously decided that he had used us enough and has never turned back to even say thank you, now who is the waste man.
We at Jah Ova Evil have completely disassociated ourselves from this young man. I do not wish for him to be an advocate for me as a Rastafarian or as a Jamaican, because in order for one to be a good ambassador one has to take a page from His Imperial Majesty’s book e.g being a good diplomat which simply means choosing your words wisely.
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True as my grandparents used to say DON’T FORGET WHERE YOU COME FROM, DON’T BITE THE HANDS THAT FEED YOU. And the list goes on and on.
Never lick a man when he is down. Rastafari nah was dirty linen in public else den not Rastafari. Leave thevyute alone!
U r not a clean heart rastafarian, A clean hearted and spiritual person don’t help someone and then take it n tell them off on social media for the whole world to c. Guess Chronixx spiritual eyes shows him that ur help was not genuine n bolt b4 u could get a good grip on him. I am sure he still love you n appreciate u for who you are. I for one, don’t respect what you allow jealousy to be doing to u as a rastafarian. Chronixx say thanks on numerous occasions but u will never hear cause ur… Read more »
bad mine nuh bomboclat when u do things fe people u nuh talk bout it
bad mine nuh bomboclat when u do things fe people u nuh talk bout it
i want to know come a now everybody have bad things to say bout the man ,unuh fe lef the man alone and go weh set a back stabba
i want to know come a now everybody have bad things to say bout the man ,unuh fe lef the man alone and go weh set a back stabba
Why is now she a bring this out, when controversy start pan di youth. Why is she making this about her and what he did not do for her. This seems like a publicity stunt to get some bread off the name a di dread.
Helping someone and looking for them to repay you….hmmmm give with no expectations of getting paid…is truly giving. …see that you bring it up at this time. …just show that you have up the youth…..shame is on you!
Helping someone and looking for them to repay you….hmmmm give with no expectations of getting paid…is truly giving. …see that you bring it up at this time. …just show that you have up the youth…..shame is on you!
She states that she ia Rastafarian however you have the nerve to disgrace this young youth u r no better than one you are accusing him of. There is such a thing call freedom of speech. If u did not agree pull him aside and hold a reason Smh
wat does his post on Marcus Garvey and wat this lady wrote have to in common, nothing – so why this com up now…when somebody find out please tell me!!!
a look she a look a thing from the youth.
What is the real purpose of her input, it seems personal, and self gratifying. When one does good for another nothing should be expected in return. Just seemso a little bad minded. Would love to hear the youth’so version of this tall tale.
Patsy , u wrong up so that’s why Chronixx affi hang up ! Check u self as a Rasta .
Amazingly stupid comments. I have heard them before, usually when black people are wrong but are cautioned “not to air their dirty laundry in public.” Puleezee!! It is precisely for that reason why we are in the position we are in today. Marcus Garvey would be disgusted if he were to come back today. Haile Selassie would be dismayed at what we have become.
Amazingly stupid comments. I have heard them before, usually when black people are wrong but are cautioned “not to air their dirty laundry in public.” Puleezee!! It is precisely for that reason why we are in the position we are in today. Marcus Garvey would be disgusted if he were to come back today. Haile Selassie would be dismayed at what we have become.
@devon McFarlane. You say open justice. Lol. She’s neither judge or jury. She’s out of line period. That’s not the behavior of selassie child. As I said before her behavior is no better than his. But the difference he’s a youth in training. She’s old and should no better. Speak if the issues not what her and her deceased son did to accomadate him. I’m not saying chronixx is 100 percent right but there is also freedom of speech. This is a democracy not a dictatorship love
When people forget that someone lend them a hand, one has to remind them. That Bob Marley grand -daughter, is the same one that was on social media with Jonny Daley doing? Sometimes we has human sound better when our mouth is shut.
She’s lying why she wait until now
Chronixx has a corrupt mind. Listen how he speaks like a typical waste man
Chronix i will always luv your music, just take precaution with your lyrics