Worshipping Politicians will NOT Fix Jamaica
If Jamaicans really think that the JLP and PNP are the answer to Jamaica’s problems, then clearly they have no clue.
I have seen so many ‘Labourites’ jumping up and down over the recently held concert talking about unity, yet in many forums on social media these same people go to the lowest level to cuss members of the PNP. The same can be said of PNP supporters as it relates to members of the JLP.
And this stupid cycle continues, vote one party out, put the other in, the JLP blames the PNP when things go wrong, and the PNP blames the JLP when things go wrong, and in the meantime NO ONE is held accountable and JAMAICA continues to burn.
If Jamaicans really think that HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER because of political differences will fix Jamaica, clearly many are still sleeping.
If Jamaicans think that the WORSHIP OF POLITICIANS will fix Jamaica, clearly many are still sleeping.
I have never known of any Jamaican who visited any hospital in Jamaica and based on POLITICAL AFFILIATION received preferential treatment.

I do not know of any Jamaican who will go to the grocery store and get items at a discounted price based on preferential treatment.
While the same politicians you all fawn over sit together and feast, laugh, talk and drink.
While they sit on their THRONES and watch the little minions running around showering them with accolades and worship which they do NOT deserve.
How sad!
The only time things will change in Jamaica is when Jamaicans get the point that prosperity, and peace cannot come from people who only SPEAK to get votes to give themselves POWER.
Change comes when Jamaicans realize that they ALL have a role to play.
Politicians are NOT magicians. Making a million promises, talking a million words, cannot change things when there is no vision.
The same finger you all use to put the X beside the BELL or the HEAD is the very same finger that has the POWER to make a difference.
The sad thing is not too many of us are aware of that.
So while we continue to shout shower and power, the crime will continue, the deaths will continue, the rape of the country will continue, lack of decent health care will continue, because of PEOPLE who put politics over country, and have no convept of what the word ACCOUNTABILITY means.
Thanks Ms Bradshaw. First sensible political post on Jablogz
Suffering from mental slavery just like giving them a white Jesus who never did anything for them from the time of slavery. But things will never change unless you change ur ways first.If u don’t know better ur are going to fall for anything.