Will Jamaican Congresswoman Be A Part of the Obama Delegation to Jamaica?
9th Congressional District of New York Representative Yvette Clarke is proud of her Jamaican heritage and is probably the strongest advocate for Jamaica in the United States Congress.
Along side her efforts; Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee would be the other.
Representative Clarke, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, is credited with being one of those who helped to save the IMF funding for Jamaica, something Jamaica needed at the time and something the Prime Minister of Jamaica Hon. Portia Simpson Miller has acknowledged in her 2015 budget address.
Clarke also represents one of the largest diaspora of 1st and 2nd generation Jamaican immigrants in New York City. Before being elected to the House of Representatives in 2006, Rep. Clarke succeeded her pioneering mother, former City Council Member Dr. Una S. T. Clarke, making them the first mother-daughter succession in the history of the NY City Council.
Prime Minister of Jamaica, Hon. Porta Simpson Miller has indicated that the President of the United States, Hon. Barrack Obama will visit the island for talks on April 9, 2015. On this historic visit, 1st and 2nd Generation Jamaican immigrants would love to see her be a part of this delegation. “She represents us well,” says Pastor Rohann Wellington of New York, and “we would be pleased if our President Barack Obama takes Representative Clarke along to Jamaica.”
The diaspora is asking Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller to extend an official invitation to Congresswoman Yvette Clarke and is respectfully requesting that President Obama include her in his delegation.

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