Crying For Our Children
I am amazed, I truly am.
15 innocent children have been MURDERED since the start of the year, and the silence by those who CLAIM to have their best interest at heart is DEAFENING.
The HYPOCRISY of all this is Jamaicans will come out in defense of people like Kartel, and, Buju Banton.
Adults who made certain choices and when those choices backfire Jamaicans go to the HIGHEST LEVEL in their defense.
Yet the voices are silent when it comes to the children. Father Ho Lung some time ago wrote an article about Lisa Hanna the Minister of Youth and Culture, and he was attacked from all corners for his opinion.

Where are those voices now?
Our Prime Minister is SILENT, the Leader of the Opposition is busy making sure he can prove that he WAS RIGHT in his actions, the Minister of National security is silent, the so called ADVOCATES for children are SILENT,and Jamaicans just continue about their business as if all is well.
Since the start of the year there have been 216 MURDERS, 15 of which were CHILDREN, and all people can do is sing the praises of the PNP or DEFEND the leader of the JLP?
It is very clear that Jamaica is a country that takes for granted the elderly and the young, and ANY nation which fails to recognize the value of both the elderly and the young is a nation that is bound to fail.
Hopefully at some point our children will become the PRIORITY of all, and we will at some point value their lives and think about the future we are preparing for them.
May these poor souls rest in peace.
Someone must say something about this am mad know mother have anything to say or do come Jamaican
I here writing and the tears trickling down my face.
Why why Lord. These children are innocent and also defenseless. Please protect our children in Jamaica.
I am dead scared for these vulnerable children. I strongly believe that parents too need to keep track of their children and develop a close relationship with them. If problema seem to develop you need to seek Professional help
Ooh ord need u more than ever
A a so me say too. Where is the outrage, where is the voices of our leaders. Why aren’t their demonstrations asking for stricter laws and justice for our children. This madness cannot continue.
We are all accountable for your sins and actions. At the age of 14 all a child should be thinking about is school. I’m not condoning the evil actions of men but we as women, we as a nation need to get our priority right in the lord.
The bible speak of children having and hence the beginning of our problems, children need guidance and who’s going, I love Jamaica but so afraid of going home, when I was small I once heard someone say that he’s going to join the police force so he can legally and sad to say that’s what going on in Jamaica, too much criminals in power, my heart bleed for the mothers of those children, I can’t imagine losing feel like, may God bless them and give them peace and intervene so these things don’t continues to happen
Sorry for the Errors, he is going to join the police force so he can steal legally
Each day my daily prayer is that every single child is safe.
Sad, these cases is becoming all to familiar, Jamaica is very much becoming too westernized. Mother’s And fathers of Jamaica , take care of your kids, take precautions look at new people in the area, look a foreigner who live isolated. For the government of Jamaica start utilizing the USA data bank’s for sexual predator entering the country. It may not be a local problem. Do a time line on these cases. When did these cases increased. Jamaica. Protect your children. Please start with these basic action.
Fix it lord Jesus
Fit it
We has black people need to do something instead off waiting for priminster
what is the human rights saying about all of this when u say bruk dem neck human rights said no,it is a shame on likkle Jamaica.
It’s sad to say, but we don’t have much regards for our children. The minister of education wants to beat them up and our society allows grown men to sexuallly abused them, so why are we surprised that they’re getting killed.
This business of big men getting little school kids pregnant and killing them is becoming a thing now….disgraceful. The people of the communities need to tell the police when they see these things going on…an adult male should not be having any sort of relationship with a “little girl” omg. We need to become more vigilant…look out for our kids more.
This business of big men getting little school kids pregnant and killing them is becoming a thing now….disgraceful. The people of the communities need to tell the police when they see these things going on…an adult male should not be having any sort of relationship with a “little girl” omg. We need to become more vigilant…look out for our kids more.
There will be a judgment day when all will stand infront of the almighty and give account for their actions….. I dought there will be a Jamaica in 150yrs… If god nuh send a tsunami for Jamaica a earthquake will sink it and wipe out all the wicked…
First of all, parents have take responsibility for their children safety. Ask the Lord for Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Guidance as to how to lead and protect them. It’s very sad.
Jamaica being Westernized has nothing to do with the crime rate there. You’re telling me that Jamaica was westernized 27yrs ago. Wake up and smell the coffee! Children have always been at a disadvantage in Jamaica. Most adults don’t give a hoot about the children. No one to advocate! 27yrs ago my classmate was raped and she never returned to school. We have churches every 1000 yards in Jamaica and yet children are abused and killed on a regular. Jamaica be very afraid because God is gonna lay his wrath upon you when the time comes.
Michelle Bradshaw, thank you again for a very informative and gripping post. This subject has been studied extensively; here is a research article from 1999 regarding Jamaica youth and sexual activity. This is nothing new. Perhaps with technology and the immediate transmission of news, and instant internet access, it may seem to be a new problem. But what’s under the rug will make it’s way out. Education on sexual health and family planning is one aspect, because when a young woman of age 14 becomes a mother, she is not prepared to care for that child. When that child is… Read more »
Please protect our children
Things will keep getting worse if all people say just pray. Take action and become involved in your child life, keep track of them, talk with them not at them. greed and selfishness has taken over
well said!