Some Nasty Ways Chik V can Affect the body that You Haven’t Heard About
“Once you have Chik V you are never the same” is a saying that is being heard more frequently each day across Jamaica.
In fact most Jamaicans have now been impacted by the dreadful ‘Chikun-gunman’ in one way or another though it appears less people are contracting the virus.
Many people are not aware of the vast amount of ways Chikungunya can negatively affect the body even after the initial symptoms have dissipated.
Numerous persons who have already been through the initial phase of the illness are returning to doctor’s offices across the island with a wide array of symptoms associated with Chik V.
Knowledge of the hallmark symptoms such as fever, rash and joint pains is widespread but there are several other nasty ways this sinister virus can affect us; some of which can seriously affect one’s quality of life for a very long time or even lead to death.

Here are a few:
It can seriously affect your eyes or even lead to blindness
Eye problems due to Chikungunya are varied. Problems may involve the conjunctiva, the iris, the anterior and posterior chambers of the eyes, the retina and even the optic nerve (the main nerve supply of the eye). A person may even go blind.
It can affect your blood, brain and nervous system
Chikungunya may affect the meninges or coverings of the brain, the spinal cord, the brain itself, and the nerves. Some disorders of common knowledge would be seizures, nerve pain, and altered mental condition of the patient. As for blood complications, bleeding can occur under the conjunctiva of the eyes, nose- and gum.
We have seen numerous complaints in various forums online from Jamaicans and other persons in the Caribbean suffering from neurological complications after contracting Chik V.
It can seriously affect the heart and blood vessels
Some conditions seen in Chikungunya would be myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), pericarditis (inflammation of the heart covering or the pericardium), heart failure, irregular heart beats, and abnormal blood flow.
Disorders of blood vessels like Raynaud’s phenomenon can occur.
- Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition where there is decreased blood flow to the hands and feet in response to cold or emotional stress.
The Jamaican Blogs™ has also been informed by doctors that the virus appears to be affecting the immune systems of many individuals making them more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Additionally it is known to exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as Diabetes and Heart Disease.
If you have contracted Chikungunya please let us know of any strange changes you have noticed in the comments.
Source: wikiHow
AS I sit here writing my knee and the top of my feet is in pain this morning I can hardly walk if I don’t try very hard to, I am having pains in my body now just like I have the chick v and it is since it has affected me I am having this problem, right now my knee is swollen.
i never had sinus problems… now i have to be visiting the doctor regularly for infected sinuses
Constant numbness in my arm extending to my fingers
I had contracted the virus about three months now. about a month ago i started having joints pain, in my wrist, knees ankles, foot-bottom and my pointer fingers, the pain move from one side to the other. Today the right hand and foot, tomorrow the left hand and foot. The side of my right knee is swollen and so is the pointer finger on the right hand. sometimes on the same hand my hand middle is swollen too. I can hardly walk especially in the morning when i get up. and late in the evening when i am going home… Read more »
I got Chikungunya in early October and to date I still have pains in my knees, but what is really of concern now is the fact that my stomach is always sick, if I smell food cooking I get nauseous, when I eat its like the food stops at the entrance to my stomach and nothing I take seems to help.
Dear Hod ,deliver us
u c how the health Authority did not advise the public about the major impact of this virus. This goes to show that the department of health are not doing their job to educate the people.
I think that Health Prifessionals should encourage individuals not to have unprotected sex, No one is sure about what kind of Chikungunya germs and its symptoms that can be passed on in the sperm.
Chikungunya brought out every problem I ever had after contracting the virus. Even after being on heavy medication and feeling literally pain free then, 31/2 months later I am having recurring mild pain and stiffness in the knees, sometimes cramping in one hand and other joint pains. My ankles also swell some nights and even in the days for about a week now
Since chic v I have not felt pains I have had problems with over the years and my then uncontrolled high blood pressure is now tested normal since chick v, I wonder?
my girlfriend use to have seizures before chic v now they are no more!
It also makes you itch sometimes. Like you feel sharp itchy spots all over your back and your hands
I think I have a blood vessel disorder,
I’m still having symptoms in my body from chik v
Dry cough which does not goes a way for weeks i have this cough and i know people who have after the Chick V
Chi k V I brand as the ‘All inclusive ‘ virus. I had it and now I have nerve damage and back pain at times.
I never had any joint pain before this, but on day 21 after the onset of ChikV I woke up with pain in my shoulder, knees, elbows, wrists and fingers, and the top of my feet. The pains are worst in the early morning, gradually lessen through the day, but start all over the next day. When will it end? Five weeks in this phase so far. Can hardly walk sometimes.
Can’t sleep on pillow any more, pain in the back of my neck can’t hold my head down for too long either a hell fi hold it up back because of the pain at the back of my neck. Only the almighty God can help us, people let us look to him, he is our deliver.
Since chick v my sinus as been draining , pain in my knee, at times I can’t use my left to pick up anything because of pain in my elbow at times my left hand numb and the worst part my scalp scratches a lot and am losing my hair from the root.
Since chikV i think i have developed arthritis in my both hands, i somethings cant hold on to nothing, not even a key to pull a door. Sad, i need my arms back.
I had Chik V 3 months ago – but my symptoms were not as severe as many people I know – however my eyesight and balance and movement have been affected since and stiffness in the legs when I get up
I had contracted the virus about three months now. about a month ago i started having joints pain, in my wrist, knees ankles, foot-bottom and my pointer fingers, the pain move from one side to the other. Today the right hand and foot, tomorrow the left hand and foot. The side of my right knee is swollen and so is the pointer finger on the right hand. sometimes on the same hand my hand middle is swollen too. I can hardly walk especially in the morning when i get up. and late in the evening when i am going home… Read more »
I had chic v in October and since then I have joint pains,as a result of that I can hardly wear heel shoes.There is also numbness in my toes if I am sitting in one position for a while.
Swollen finger joints and pain, numbness in the finger tips on the right hand, pain in the right arm, swollen ankles and pain in the leg where I had a damaged nerve. Stiffness when standing from either lying down or siting down. I could go on but i wont. No boy, chik v turn me into a real old woman before time. walking is at a rpemium as well. is just will power sometimes to move.
Although the pain is gone if I hit anything too hard I feel a sharp stabbing pain. Also, I lost about 6lbs.
Weak and constantly swollen ankles and toes, constant fatigue, inability to concentrate. It really has reduced my productivity significantly since October til now
My toes especially the big ones have a burning sensation,,,,,and tingling in my fingers….. and the list continue…. my pressure points in my feet burns….. Chic V has sent me to the foot doc.. Dermatologist/ Optimologist and general practitioner…. wow…. this is radical.
Soles of my feet started stripping, it got so rough and disgusting. I scrubbed and scrubbed but I eventually gave up and allowed it to just get back normal on its own. I have dry patches all over my body, apparently chik-v has escalated my eczema related issues. My eyes used to twitch occasionally, now my entire face twitches now and then. I My joint related issues have eased up somewhat, I can start wearing heels again (not too high though)
I now have Costochondritis…inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone or sternum. First felt it while in the acute phase of CHik V, on and off since then and pain getting worse. Tingling and numbness in hands, pain in insteps of feet. Daughter had the bleeding gums, now has the dry cough. We both had Chik V in October last year.
I knew all along that this chikungunya virus would have had a sustained chronic effect on ppl. The notion by the ministry of health and other health officials to trivialize the lasting chronic impact I knew was misleading. These stated possible effects are really troubling. My one remaining pain is in my left ankle. It just never goes away.
Had Chik-V over 3 months now and I am still having pains in ankles and wrists. My hands have lost the strength it had before and my muscles are much weaker. Had a relapse and had to go on steroids for a month to function as I had to go to work. Never knew pain until I had that relapse…. made the first one seem like a joke. A few days after finishing the steroids I started having flashes of light in my right eye and I thought it was a side effect from the steroids but now I’m seeing… Read more »
i so agree with this article since chik v my pressure has been out of control went to the dr he gave me an additional tab that wasnt controlling it either. my bottom reading is what bothers me the most and na lie am really worried about it and now seeing this article confirms it. EVen my eyes nU feel right sometimes.
I still have pains in my neck, shoulders, fingers, the top of my feet , my knee and my blood pressure went way down. I think this chick v is worse than aids!
well the mild joint pain is still there, left eye waters and itches a lot. Dont have a firm grip in the right hand anymore. this is 3 months on.
At nights I am feeling pains in my hands serious pain in the morning serious pain in my foot bottom
omg!! I thought I was solo here. I am having shoulder, ankle, elbow, back, waist pains and a pounding headache. my fingers are stiff, numb, and swollen. sometimes blurred vision. All this after chickv. my body is not the same. Will I be whole again?
stiff and swollen fingers, blurred vision, neck, knees, elbows, back, waist, shoulders, ankles, and pounding head pains. my body has changed since chickv.
Numbness in my fingers and feet.
Since i have Chik v,i feel older,my grandmother never feel dem pain yah
Since infected with the Chick V virus not confirmed but base on the symptoms and according to my Doctor. It have left me with pains in my right shoulder, my elbow, fingers, my knees; in the morning time they tend to seize up and paining until the sun comes out. sometime I have to assist my legs by lifting to come out of the car even when bending I having problems raising and getting up.
I got Chik V on September 13 and until now I cannot bend my left foot.
since contracting the chickv I am suffering with more severe joint pain and constant high blood pressure even when I am on medication. this is a terrible illness and should be treated as such the MOH needs to do more in helping to control it as it relates to cleaning up different areas in ja.
Well….. I think I first experience the initial symptoms in October of 2014 and to date my left knee aches when I kneel down or I attempt to lift it while driving or to get out the car. Thank God it is not the right knee.
I am here sitting ad feeling weak and dizzy, indeed my immune system has been affected as at time i am wondering if something else is going on. My left arm is still paining and my sinuses have not given me any ease.Honestly it has me thinking of only one thing left to happen to me
Fabolous Hair
When i got Chik V it lasted for 3 days…All I did and continue to do is drink soursop leaf tea twice a day. This solve all my issues.
I just got back from a hospital to visit a friend who went to Trinidad and came back sick. She is swollen all over, and her kidneys are affected. Heavenly Father, please weed out this disease in your precious name I pray.
I had chick v in October. I am still having burning under the bottom of my feet. I never had this before I had chick v. I still feel feverish from time to time. Not to mention the numbness that comes and goes in the shoulder and arm down to the fingers. This is an evil thing I tell you.
Since the Chik V; I am having pain in my fingers.
irregular heart beats twitching in the left eye