JPS Told to Decrease Electricity Rates After Seeking 21% Increase for Residential Customers
The Jamaica Public Service was not successful in its efforts to acquire a substantial increase in electricity rates for residential customers.
Instead the power company has been recommended to reduce its current rates.
According to RJR, confirmation has come that the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has recommended a decrease in electricity rates, instead of the increase sought by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS).
After a nine-month wait, the JPS on Wednesday evening received from the OUR a draft of the determination of its application for a tariff review.
“It looks like it does result in a decrease in rates overall… about a one to two per cent decrease in rates, on average. “JPS had a five-year plan that really allows for some significant improvements in reliability and customer service, and obviously that has been rejected, so we are disappointed,” Kelly Tomblin, JPS CEO, told RJR News.
The proposal also includes commercial and industrial companies receiving a 1.5% cut in electricity rates.
The JPS had sought an average 21 per cent increase in the price of electricity for residential customers.

Source: RJR News
Is JPS crazy? What type of increase could we get at this point, when we can hardly pay the bill now? Are they going to make our bosses raise our salaries too?
The only thing can happen is a competition just like when digicel come in and run out jamaica telephone company out that was what solved our problem in jamaica make even the dumb have phone.
The fact is that the JPS was not doing whatever they should have done as a company for years now. So in comes this manager who is now at this later stage putting in that which is the reasonable thing to do – make the company viable. But, she has come on at an awkward time,this is after the company has been used as a cash-cow – remember MIRANT and later Marubini, they came, plundered and then left. Sorry Miss Tomlin you are just caught with the company at this such a crazy time – HUSH. If in the past… Read more »
JPS needs to decrease the rates by 21% the world market on a barrel of oil is less than $50 us. in the same manner they increase so should they decrease to match up with other market for Jamaica to attract business investment
My only disappointment is that the decrease rate is so small, it should up to 21%, the exact amount they wanted to increase it by.