Education Minister Blasts Gully Bop for Comment about Fathering His Children
Education Minister Ronald Thwaites on Wednesday expressed his displeasure with a comment made by the popular entertainer Gully Bop about fathering his children.
The minister was speaking at the Montego Bay High School for Girls during the Kiwanis International 100th anniversary celebration where 100 youths were recognised for their outstanding volunteer service.
“I don’t want to criticise him too much, because I only heard it second hand. But I gather that recently there was an interview, it must have been on some video or television, of a man called Gully Flop… have I got that right? And when this person, whoever he is, was asked about his children, he said yea, he has plenty children but he only looks after three or so because he makes it a pattern that he only deals with a woman who is working or a woman who has a man who is working,” said Thwaites.

“I want to tell you, that’s what’s keeping Jamaica back, and what’s cranking us in education, is the weakness of the family structure in this country. And you (students) are old enough for me to say to you this evening that the greatest shackle of the slavery that we all went through in different roles, was the destruction of the African family form,” he continued.
“The most important thing that we can ever be in life is not to be Prime Minister or Usain Bolt or Shelly Ann (Fraser) or anybody else, but it is to be a good parent. And you are preparing for that right now by your very involvement in the Kiwanis movement and in the service that you give,” the education minister said.
Source: Jamaica Observer
Well said Minister Thwaites!!!
Pure ignorance and who does he think he is to say he only mind the children of basically independent women…if they good enough to lay down and make a child with they good enough to help raise that child…has he looked in the mirror lately? Just cause he has a likkle piece of money he’s big enough to run his mouth…smh
Well said Minister Thwaites and I’m advocating for your mothers to return to school their priorities have changed with a child to care for and will take their studies seriously if given a second chance
Well said gully flop is just like all the other dead dads hes such a ass but again what would he know
He spoke right. The greatest gift you can give to your kid is to be a good parent
Spot on, Mr. Thwaites.
Just shows why it is so dangerous to allow a complete idiot to be the face and voice of our country.
He is right
He is not a roll model for the youths, and this is what makes the younger generation behave the way they are behaving, the minister is so right
Though I’m fed up of all politicians, I will support the Thwaites’ argument
i concur, i asked this question so many times, what is the message about marketing an unhealthy man with serious drug problems as a peek entertainer. is it that children or young people must no longer work hard or stay on the positive side of life because a luck may await you. the media is capitalizing on drug addicts, the producers and whoever controls his career is certainly making a mockery of dancehall.
That politician is spot on BUT, Since when has a ex-crackhead who just jump out of the gully been a spokesperson for moral living? People love judge the man words. I love Gully Bop story and vibes but he is not media savvy. He probably still finding his feet in all the recent limelight. His loose mouth always getting him in problem. He should buss him lyrics and stop brag and boast on social media till he has a competent PR person guiding him on what is acceptable to be broadcasting to the world. Especially as people hanging on to… Read more »
And the fact that when he said it the so call Chin was beside him and laughed. what a mockery.
that is good
Well said Minister Thwaites
Mr Thwaites ne’er truer words but you shouldn’t take up Gully Bop. Mad as a hatter
Gully Flop is right…….LOLOLOL
Oh LORD, have mercy.
Jamaican men and women need education on family life, no use blaming the men alone, in order for us to develop to abandon the slave mentality that we adopted from slavery, we need family life education.
Ok …let me move pass the emotional reaction and try to rationalize what Gully Bop (Flop) may have been trying saying. There really could be some ‘method to his madness’ regarding his expressed desire to ensure that his partner (woman) has some financial capability or “ backitive” to share in the responsibility of supporting the children they bring into the world. Nothing wrong with that,…. in fact it is the responsible thing to do. If one partner in the union were to fall on hard time, the other one can pick up the slack. I have seen this reality play… Read more »
The children are probably better off without him, #gullyflop
somebody just want to get famous, unuh fly dung pon dem like vulture. him good fi not even mean wat him sey. A GULLY BOP WE A TALK BOUT. Cool it man.
I think you all should watch the interview and listen clearly what gully bop said why you all hating gully bop so he was in the gutter for years now he get out we should be happy for him
Getting the pregnant girls back to school is a good thing
I know that i am going to be slated for what am about to say. “It takes two to Tango, and as soon as a young man open his mouth with a song or rapping a few words, there are a lot of female ready an willing to let those so called artists have their ways with them without thinking of the consequences.If these ladies was’nt so ready and willing Gully Bop would not be able to make that statement, so all you young Ladies heed the voice ot the Minister.”
Sooo true… We now live a society with little morals and standards…
A profound message of hope to a group of future parents. Well done Minister Thwaites
He is absolutely right.
I believe many of you just full of it. Haters to be exact. First Gully bop is mad man , then he supposed to now be this role model that every words he spoke is under a microscope you all know this man is just saying the next word on his lips. I am not a fan but iam just saying. Cut the man some slack.
We need more men to speak out against dead beat dads. We fathers must make sure our sons understand the spiritually ordained role of men in the family.
He was a nobody as you say; He is now a somebody. That comes with huge responsibility. Someone needs to teach him that. As for living up to his responsibility as a dad. That needs no invitation. Mr Bop needs to be careful he does not trip over his feet before he can run properly.
e was a nobody as you say; He is now a somebody. That comes with huge responsibility. Someone needs to teach him that. As for living up to his responsibility as a dad. That needs no invitation. Mr Bop needs to be careful he does not trip over his feet before he can run properly.
Just a reflection of the type of minds we allow to feed our subconscious ness via music!
I watched that interview and the speech he made is that of a worthless man who think him fi breed up woman and anyhow den fi live den affi live I hate that mentality
The greatest gift you can give to your children is to be a good parent. I agree with Mr. Thwaites. We need to speak out and defend moral values and attitudes. Too many men neglect their children which is causing hardship on the mothers. This leads to delinquent children and delinquent society. Rise up men and show yourself worthy to be a father.
Stupid and ignorance….chat too much and little fame got to his head…..without teeth in his mouth…..
Well said sir
Exactly Minister, I concur!!!
Lay it out straight Ronnie Thwaites!!! I like the fact that you didn’t even dignify this non-entity by acknowledging him for who the media hype him up to be. Now, I lift my hat off to anyone who rises from the gutters or gets a break in life, but given the few clips I’ve heard of him, if this is what this person has to offer Jamaica and many are bigging him up as tho he’s somebody, then wi kawnaz dawk bad-bad…. *smh*
I believe that all artistes needs to learn how to make responsible statements, knowing that the entire world is watching/listening them. Somebody needs to teach Gully Bop how answer media questions……..
Gully bop full of shit. Put out child support on his old ass
Someone needed to put this guy straight. What type of fame has given him reason to say such rubbish?
.And yet with all this stupidity,he has his followers.Where are we headed as a nation?
Enough said: Glop/Flop/Bop is a walking bag of semen!
Thank you Minister Thwaites for setting the record straight by speaking to our future leaders. The family structure is a institution that should be treated with the ultimate respect at all times;However, the ignorant comment that were made by that character will only demoralized and shame those wonderful mothers of his children and other women who are in the same predicament. Jamaican women are very strong and they are always risen above these weak and insensitive men.
you can take the man out of the gully but you definately can’t take the gully out him ,what do you think that gonna come out of an illiterate mouth dumb stupid stuff all im hearing him singing is nursery rhymes that a 3years old knows
It hard in Jamaica financially..what Gully said is truth and what the minister said is truth also…what matters is what they plan to do to change things,,,,Gully has a DREAM and is helping now he has a career…and the minister plans to do ”WHAT”?? look about his self an his 7 children. Who God bless no man curse.
Why do we even listen and air the crap that these “entertainers” say/sing? This one in particular, I bet the poor soul doesn’t even know how to read.
Ladies are giving jacket hard in Jamaica and no one is talking about that!! That’s why so much kids are without a father too
Gully bop rise youth do not watch the ones who want to hold u back in the gully