Yearning for Love: “I am trying to find a girlfriend” says Bolt
Jamaica’s six-time Olympic champion Usain Bolt is searching for love.
The fastest man alive and arguably the most successful athlete to ever live has conquered the sport of track and field and has earned millions of dollars in the process courtesy of hefty sponsorship deals .
As his career slowly winds down, Bolt has shared his desire to find true love and to start a family.
During an interview with Page Six, Bolt said:
“You do get a lot of offers for sure, it’s one of the perks. You try to stay quiet, but I love women, and you try not to take advantage, but it’s hard. I am trying to find a girlfriend now, I think I am getting to that age right now, 28, where I need to find somebody and I want to have a child. It’s that time, I am trying to focus on having a family. I’d like three or four kids maybe, it’s always good to have brothers and sisters to look out for you.”
Following his interview Bolt mentioned his intentions to retire after the 2016 Olympics and to play soccer for a year.
Send in your applications now ladies and share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Page Six

I congratulate him on his desire to start a family. I hope he knows that he needs to prepare himself for this kind of commitment as well. It goes far beyond a feeling or a desire. It is a life long commitment and becomes even deeper with the inclusion of children. It is much more than satisfying a biological craving. All the best with your quest brother and I strongly suggest that you allow the one who made man to guide you in your choice of a life partner. Contemplate it well and remember to ‘take time to know her,… Read more »
soccer for a year? him done have EPL and La Liga links eno. get a contract nuh yout
Like serious now….kmt…you wont find true love like that mi friend
I was under the impression that he had a ‘main squeeze’ before his success, before all those ladies internationally threw themselves at him. What happened?
I dont think you can find true love that way ussain but good luck and all the best
Interesting Bolt. I will let Serena know that you are also looking to settle down 🙂
tha one ya hard cause every woman is gonna deemed a gold digger
Please look for a successful young woman to be with. Not one who just sit home waiting on you to foot all the bill, then soon after she need a divorce take away your hard earn money. You work very hard for it. Please don’t just look for a girl with only beauty look for a progressive one, not a gold digger. Let she bring something to the table. You take up a looser they are the one to carry you down. Please take my advice my dear. I am talking to you from a mother stand point. You could… Read more »
him betta start a application and weed it out ……have a dating show after the the top 10 are chosen…..or just go pon match .com……
Pray for her and God will send you a trustworthy wife and a positive 2 ample doe your children. Pray I say, Usain pray!
Prayer and action Bolt! God will send the right person for you!
this is serious go down an your knees an talk to god .pray for a wife trust him he will deliver
pray that God will give you that right person.
Background checks needed for all applicants! Good luck
On the Usain Issue; I believe that a major production can be made from him wanting a girlfriend. I am thinking on the lines of a reality show where I would love to be an intern. It could be named Usain Bolts to love
The best thing to do is pray about it Bolt. Let the creator guide you.
God is able, having kids is a serious matter, so make sure you do it with God Mr Bolt don’t leave Him out YOU will be sorry. as for a girlfriend you better ask for a wife. get to know her real goooood k
AND I PRAY you find the kind of woman who will make you confident you have chosen well Usain.
You are moving around so start looking until you see someone who fills your eyes….then start checking her out for the qualities you need in a wife or girlfriend…pray first..Blessings!!!
If the Great Usian Bolt is having a problem, does that mean that I have absolutely no chance whatsoever? And here I thought coming to Jamaica would provide me with the perfect girlfriend… Now, I am sad…