What about the Home Grown Terrorists?
I have a question for the Minister of National Security Mr. Peter Bunting.
The PNP government was quick to spend millions to charter a PRIVATE JET to send a man whom they claimed was a terrorist back to Trinidad.
My question is how much money is being spent and what is being done to take care of the terrorists right there in Jamaica?

The ones in Rockfort and all over who are DEMANDING payments from home owners who are already struggling to pay their mortgage, and the business owners who have to pay protection money to these home grown terrorists?
Not to mention the chain grabbers, the pick pockets and the POLICE who are in cahoots with and are being paid by these TERRORISTS.
Or is it only FOREIGN TERRORISTS this government is concerned about?
The last time I checked Mr. Bunting as Minister of National Security was seeking DIVINE INTERVENTION to deal with the LEVEL OF CRIME facing the country.
How ironic that both himself and his party did not need DIVINE INTERVENTION to send ONE MAN BACK TO TRINIDAD?
A man THEY claimed that had they thrown him in jail, in less than ONE DAY he would have RADICALIZED Jamaicans into becoming RADICAL MUSLIMS, and all hell would have broken loose right there in Jamaica.
(As if there can be any bigger HELL than what is taking place right now)
How many people were MURDERED AGAIN just in this one week? Last I heard it was more than TEN.
So now that they have spent MILLIONS to send a SO CALLED TERRORIST back home, how much are they going to SPEND and what are they going to do to take care of the TERRORISTS whom are giving the CITIZENS of Jamaica HELL every single day?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
murdered in a week closer to 20……almost 50 in a month……and your right..Jamaica has its own home grown terrorists…or shottas as they are called…security forces do their best…it can never be good enough while terrorist still roam freely in Jamaica…..one answer is to dramatically up the number of licensed firearms users and link them for training and use to their local police locations……the object being to make it so difficult for shottas to move around or operate they either stop or take chances and get killed…the uncertainty of not knowing who is a concealed carry will have an effect…..the biggest… Read more »
murdered in a week closer to 20……almost 50 in a month……and your right..Jamaica has its own home grown terrorists…or shottas as they are called…security forces do their best…it can never be good enough while terrorist still roam freely in Jamaica…..one answer is to dramatically up the number of licensed firearms users and link them for training and use to their local police locations……the object being to make it so difficult for shottas to move around or operate they either stop or take chances and get killed…the uncertainty of not knowing who is a concealed carry will have an effect…..the biggest… Read more »