The cost of deporting Abu Bakr – Our Government wasting scarce resources
I feel absolved. Perhaps, I am too anti-political and the majority of our people have lost their souls to political parties.
What on earth could have made politicians pay the equivalent of $4 million to ship off a Muslim extremist who offers no threat to Jamaica?
The messy affairs involving the deportation of Trinidadian Black Muslim Abu Bakr by private jet is a hilarious affair.
Where is the gut of the government? As one who is left of centre, I am appalled by the action of a historically mass party.
Now we are again the laughing stock of the world. Has the government realized the problems in the country ?

Is the government conscious of the hardship prevailing in the country?
Does the government ever take a look at downtown which shows a massive surge in people on the streets? The streets there now resemble what was normally Christmas conditions 3 years ago.
Does the government recognize that the true unemployment figure is over 40%, despite the polishing of the figure by STATIN.?
If the government is really caring and conscious of the true socio-economic situation of Jamaica it could not have shelled out 4 million dollars for a ridiculous flight of an elderly Muslim cleric.
There is no way Abu Bakr could have posed a threat to our state within a three day period.
We have had more treats from our locals than from foreigners. One only needs to go back to the near civil war of 1980.
The sheer volume of guns imported especially by supporters of the JLP was not by CIA associated interest groups but by local merchant and ethnic funding.
They know themselves and nothing is hidden in a 10 square mile area of Kingston and St. Andrew. So how could this black Muslim from over 1000 miles South have the potential of bringing arms and mayhem?
Governments always act like irresponsible children, acting without rational thinking and causing more financial damages than good.
Personally that $4 million could have provided a salary for four years, but it could go a long way in providing at least 160 grants to poor people ‘pickneys” attending tertiary institutes, especially in this harsh regime where students cannot find bus fares and have to resort to all creativity to ensure their belly gets a filling to sustain them during classes.
We are however a silent people and the 4 million dollars government threw away will no longer be news in two weeks time and people will forget that by election time.
I wonder why we vote.
im not exactly certain what point is trying to be made here……a known muslim terrorist was on his way with his oppos to see another radical muslim,Farrakhan,an American radical… I see it none of them should be in Jamaica but the fake-a-man has done a deal with the government to be sure his radical organization paid portias minions enough to make it interesting..the trinny terrorist was deported..good so far…but the cost cannot under any circumstance be justified at 4 million ja…Jamaica does not need any muslim radicals of any sort…they have no place here…..anyone trying to downplay the danger… Read more »
The man was no threat to jamaica as a matter of fact i think if they haddonesome researh they would see on the contray he might have been able to help them but then again politionswill always be polition
He was no threat to jamaica we should be mindful of the fact is there is good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us so it behovs any of us to critize the rest of us.
Damned either way they do anything!
This man was deported in style. He was taken back to Trinidad in better than first class on a commercial flight.
There is absolutely no reason the government can give to justify spending this $4million to deport this person.
This man was deported in style. He was taken back to Trinidad in better than first class on a commercial flight.
There is absolutely no reason the government can give to justify spending this $4million to deport this person.
im not exactly certain what point is trying to be made here……a known muslim terrorist was on his way with his oppos to see another radical muslim,Farrakhan,an American radical… I see it none of them should be in Jamaica but the fake-a-man has done a deal with the government to be sure his radical organization paid portias minions enough to make it interesting..the trinny terrorist was deported..good so far…but the cost cannot under any circumstance be justified at 4 million ja…Jamaica does not need any muslim radicals of any sort…they have no place here…..anyone trying to downplay the danger… Read more »
The man was no threat to jamaica as a matter of fact i think if they haddonesome researh they would see on the contray he might have been able to help them but then again politionswill always be polition
He was no threat to jamaica we should be mindful of the fact is there is good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us so it behovs any of us to critize the rest of us.
Damned either way they do anything!