Man who visited Liberia reportedly allowed to enter Jamaica without sufficient Ebola screening
There have been several reports today (October 16) of a passenger who recently visited Liberia being allowed to enter the country without being sufficiently screened for Ebola.
Liberia is one of the West African countries hardest hit by the Ebola virus.
One report by RJR News stated that a high level meeting was prompted involving the Ministry of National Security and the Passport Immigration Citizenship Agency (PICA).
Immigration officials at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay were briefed early Thursday after a man who travelled to Liberia in the last ten days arrived there on Wednesday.
The man is believed to be an American who travelled to Liberia then back to the US before coming to Jamaica.

It’s understood that when he told immigration officers that he visited Liberia, he was sent to the health desk at the airport and cleared to leave.
His temperature was not taken and he was asked to complete a form before being given permission to enter the country.
On leaving the airport he went to a hotel.
It’s understood that later in the day, the police went to the hotel and then detained the man .
He is scheduled to leave the island on Thursday.
Source: RJR News
I’m assuming they’ve asked the man to leave as a precaution in the event he carries Ebola…but……did the police who took the man and detained him, wear protective clothing?
All persons who came into near contact with this person, now have to be screened and if necessary quarantined, to be on the save side.
Is this man out of the country yet, it is thursday
Is this story true or was it fabricated? If it is indeed true may God help us in Jamaica. How did he get to the hotel? was it by public transportation? The hotel must be sanitized, all persons with whom he had contact must be traced and screened for the required 21 day period, and self monitoring is not an option.
Not surprised!
So ebola is here in little jamaica………Jamaica can fit in Africa about, how many times….(CHECK)……. and ebola is killing thousand in africa……(so please send him back)
Carelessness if he has it it will affect us not gud at all smh .
It seems that these politicians worry so much about collecting a tourist dollar that they never gave it a thought to wonder what effect an ebola outbreak will have. I expect the same lazy response that they had with the chic-v virus.
yea you know……….. we catch every thing……. i hope against all hope that he does not have it and we are safe
This is how slack people are on their jobs sometimes… they are so naive…. u hear of the Ebola outbreak, and a man openly states He was in Liberia, and u doh get Paranoid and quarantine Him, or call some attention to the matter … but then again, maybe di workers not gettin enough pay, or dem did a sleep or suh…. sighs…. lets hope He does not have it, and the police men dont come in contact wit any body fluids or suh…
Dont let im spread,he’s going to any how so kill im
I think they should test im frist then kill im
Y he came here? P.m cant run d countrey at all
All we Jamaican has to do is hope n pray laws help us if it Eva reach ya we dun fa jah know
well our prime minister says she stop her staff from traveling, but like every other country we can’t cut off people from coming here by law because we love money like that. well a hope them know say a no tourist pocket them a empty with tax a black people and when we dead off it mean less money fi people like them. make the dam law greed. Cause when people hear that it in the country them not going to want to come hear. SO AGO LESS MONEY FI U
It is only transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, There were no signs that this man had ebola he traveled to Liberia before coming to Jamaica, The airlines should have stopped him from flying BUT ONLY AS A PRECAUTION We have a better chance of catching ChikV
Smh they could have done better. I suggest that they close the airports
We are a set of domb asses instead of preventing we rather treat. Ever jack ass knws the ebola is on the rise proper screening is of importance at this time at the ports ..signing a document then enter the country.. these custom official need to lose their damn jobs sets of fools
Band dem all
Ok I thought i was the only one bawling about this thing. St. Lucia has issued a ban on persons coming from ebola affected countries, why hasnt our PM done so too. no man dem waiting until the horse gone through the gate then dem close it…..TOO LATE SHALL BE THEIR CRY….Watch out for the conference with Louis Farrakan next…Mi did warn dem
Ok I thought i was the only one bawling about this thing. St. Lucia has issued a ban on persons coming from ebola affected countries, why hasnt our PM done so too. no man dem waiting until the horse gone through the gate then dem close it…..TOO LATE SHALL BE THEIR CRY….Watch out for the conference with Louis Farrakan next…Mi did warn dem
these leaders or government need to put certain measures in place, the airports are a portal for this monster to travel to our little island, every single soul that comes here must be screened
these leaders or government need to put certain measures in place, the airports are a portal for this monster to travel to our little island, every single soul that comes here must be screened
This is an interesting read….
There is so much we don’t know and are not being told about this. This is why the world is TRULY struggling to control this. We don’t know that wew don’t know and when we do know we are only telling people what we want them to believe. If the symptoms show up on an average of 8-10 days then what use is a temperature test?
Those persons who gave him the form to just fill out are complete idiots! filling out a form the ebola guy can lie because he wants to come here.everybody from the airport officials to the hotel that took their big money and was not observant is an idiot!
every other country run him,even his own country.A so Jamaican idiots dem love wat-left.Look how likkle chickungunyah do we so far…i’m so pissed!
With all if that the man was questioned and given permission.was that officer negligent or wrong ….. I bet he was not .get the facts . the gov should tell the public the full S.O.P in these cases an if aan wrong him wrong an deal wide it but fi ek Apple a run up an dung like wile chicken ..its a joke
How could his temperature not taken and then allowed to leave the airport after informing them he visited Liberia???
U all saying the man add no symptom but reading this thing it didn’t say they took his temp are test him that’s rubbish ebloa takes a while before one know they have it facts remaine u don’t know so try proteact ur self
all im gonna say is that our musicans betta sit dem baxide down bout them a travel to africa to perform
I am going say it again, what screening and testing apparatus is being implemented/used respectively at points of entry. Are we so dam dumb or illiterate to bio hazard diseases
Which hotel did he went to????
It`s not everyone in Liberia has Ebola. And the concern is about one man. Ebola is now in America and how many American passengers arrive in Jamaica since their first Ebola case.
They didn’t state his racial background, but i think its a white man. If he was a black man coming from Liberia, then they would immediately assume that he has the virus and send him back on the next flight. But no, he is white so don’t bother to screen him, just let him through.. smh
How did this happen, and like all the other diseases ” don’t panic he is cleard” haven’t we heard this too many times and have been proven wrong. Isn’t “PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE” He should not have touched those papers in the first place! Well I am not a doctor but common sense tells me that some people, depending on their immune system would show symptoms at different times and that’s where the doctors get it wrong!
Good question did the police wear protective gears? the hotel and mode of transportation.
Lets hope he is “allright”
How did this happen, and like all the other diseases ” don’t panic he is cleard” haven’t we heard this too many times and have been proven wrong. Isn’t “PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE” He should not have touched those papers in the first place! Well I am not a doctor but common sense tells me that some people, depending on their immune system would show symptoms at different times and that’s where the doctors get it wrong!
Good question did the police wear protective gears? the hotel and mode of transportation.
Lets hope he is “allright”