
Mandela – Recovering Well from Pneumonia

The anti-apartheid hero and former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela is recovering well from a bout of pneumonia according to South African officials. They reported “a further improvement in his condition”.

Nelson Mandela, apartheid

Now 94 years of age, he is considered one of the towering figures of modern history. This is the  third time he has been hospitalized in four months.

Doctors were able to drain a build up of water on his lungs, that had developed from a lung infection. That procedure helped him “breathe without difficulty,” President Jacob Zuma’s office said in the last update issued on Saturday. 

Mac Maharaj, a spokesman for Zuma said on Sunday: “I am still waiting to hear from the doctors, so my update of yesterday remains.” Asked if the doctors’ silence should be cause for concern, Maharaj said that “if there was a turn, a significant turn, they would say something.”


Mandela’s recent health troubles resulted in an outpouring of prayers as Christians celebrated Easter Sunday.

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