10 Questions with Glen “Titus” Campbell
Rumour has it you’re not Jamaican, is that true?
The rumour is true. Glenroy Godfrey Campbell — that’s the name on my birth certificate — was born in London, England in 1964.
(Incredulous look)
Yes ma’am. I’m 50 years old.
Complete this statement. In my spare time I —
Rest. I work hard. I play hard — then, I rest. On the odd occasion though when I don’t have a show, I’ll function as disc jockey at a friend’s shing ding.

What is your deepest fear?
Losing my voice — or probably even worse, losing my memory. That’s a very critical requirement in the work I do.
Describe your ideal woman.
(—long pause —very long pause —)
Ahm — ideal woman. I have a number of preferences. Athletic body, locks, or bleached blonde hair. But, apart from the physical, I like someone who’s not afraid to get silly with me. Someone who makes me laugh. And she must, absolutely must, love music and love to dance.
What’s the first —?
Wait — I’m also a hopeless romantic so I appreciate the simpler things like cuddling and holding hands.
What’s the first thing you notice when you enter a room?
The people. I look for people in the crowd that I know. And of course the pretty women — who are usually the people in the crowd that I know.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
In 1994, a friend’s daughter insisted that I leave my full time employment at the telephone company and — how should I put this — take the plunge into theatre. I followed that advice, went on a three month theatre tour to India, and my life was changed forever. I’ve been doing theatre ever since.
What’s in your wallet?
Picture of my daughter, my girlfriend, my step daughter. Wait, a sec. Mek me look — Ok. Credit cards, driver’s license, business cards and some very, very small change.
When you go to a restaurant, what do you order?
Once pork is available, anything pork related.
If you won the lottery tomorrow, tell me:
– first place you’d go:
New York
– first thing you’d buy:
House or an apartment
– Who gets some of the money:
My mom, my daughter, my daughter’s mom and my woman
What’s your biggest Pet Peeve?
Someone who does not respect time in General, and my time in particular.
Catch Glen Campbell in Jambiz International Limited Christmas production – ‘Saving Alligator High’. The show opens at Centre Stage Theatre, New Kingston on Boxing Day – December 26, 2014 at 5pm.